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小花是否盛开?Did the floret bloom?

盛开水仙花的原野?The fields of asphodel?

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紫丁香花盛开了!The lilacs are in bloom!

五月里百花盛开。May is prodigal with flowers.

南瓜花正盛开。Pumpkins are in full blossom.

我在盛开的花丛中翩飞。I am in the flowers that bloom.

我们花园百花盛开。Our garden blazed with flowers.

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苹果树繁花盛开。The fruit trees were in flowers.

野生植物正百花盛开。All the wild plants are in bloom.

开放前的萼片盛开。The sepals open before the bloom.

现在郁金香花正在盛开。The tulips are in full bloom now.

我,是一朵盛开的夏荷。I am a summer lotus in full bloom.

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他又一次看到了盛开的忍冬花。Once more he saw open honeysuckle.

阳光在,鲜花就会盛开。With sunlight, flowers will bloom.

山腰上鲜花盛开。The hillside was a mass of flowers.

译这是一个玫瑰盛开的花园。This is a garden abloom with roses.

花园里盛开着绚丽的牡丹花。The garden is gorgeous with peonies.

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现在盛开着鲜艳夺目的一片小黄花。A hundred bright yellow flowers grow.

紫荆花盛开了。The bauhinia flower is in full bloom.

菊花盛开。The chrysanthemums bloom luxuriantly.