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一些街道出奇的安静。Some streets were eerily quiet.

我的声音出奇的淡定。My voice sounded strangely calm.

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雅宝路现在出奇地安静。Yabao Road is now strangely quiet.

它几乎是出奇的矛盾It's almost insanely contradictory.

那价格高得出奇!That is a preposterously high price!

它会随时随地且出奇不意地发生。It will happen by surprise in any place and time.

在盐里面一定有些出奇地神圣的东西。There must be something strangely sacred in salt.

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仍然觉得很受伤的旧情人──没什么出奇的?A former lover who is still hurt -- not surprising?

这么说吧,他们的脾气出奇地好。In other word, they were surprisingly good-humored.

换句话说,他们的脾气都出奇的好。In other words, they were surprisingly good-humoured.

她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静。She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief.

画面质量也是出奇的好,只可惜这个功能仅在自动模式下可用。The quality is fantastic, although it’s auto-mode only.

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有时候杰福瑞的态度似乎出奇地冷淡。L. B. Jeffries seems like an unusually cold fish at times.

我很少见过如此美得出奇的女人。Very rarely have I seen such a strikingly beautiful woman!

各地的农民们各出奇谋以避免损失。Farmers are resorting to their own measures to avoid losses.

真相其实是销售烂透了,而且整个市场出奇的糟!The truth is that sales suck and the market is ailing badly.

喉间硬是痒得出奇,思一吐为快。He will have a terrible itch in his throat—itch to speak out.

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出奇的是,「链轮乐器」完全是由人力推动。Astoundingly , the Sprocket is powered solely by human energy.

主人公丹尼与柯克恸·道格拉斯出奇地相像。The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.

她变得出奇地喜欢独自躲在角落里。She grow wondrously fond of stealing off to corners by herself.