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他们祈祷。They pray.

我开始祈祷。And I prayed.

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但是我们一直都祈祷。But we do pray.

为你的康复而祈祷。I pray for you.

抽点时间祈祷!Make time to pray!

什么时候该当祈祷?When should we pray?

主啊,请听听我的祈祷吧。Lord, hear my prayer.

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我们跪下祈祷吧。Let us kneel in prayer.

所以让我们为汤姆祈祷吧。So let us pray for Tom.

您可听得到我的祈祷?Can you hear me praying?

每天和她一起祈祷。Pray with her every day.

为你的安全祈祷。Praying for your safety.

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你要说什么祈祷词?What prayers do you say?

他以祈祷来降伏了对手。He prayed down his rival.

在祈祷的长者。In prayers of patriarchs.

你可以向星星祈祷。You can wish upon a star.

他检了起来,于是成为他做祈祷用的幸运石。It became his prayer stone.

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虔诚的祈祷用处何有?What was the use of prayer?

你的祈望就是你的祈祷。Your desire is your prayer.

我们为回家的路而祈祷。We prayed for the road home.