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蝎子们将很快对此感到无聊。Scorpios will soon get bored with this.

蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.

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我的职责之一就是踩蝎子。One of my duties was to stomp scorpions.

嗯,两只蝎子。两只响尾蛇。Yeah , two scorpions , two rattlesnakes.

没有哪个星座比蝎子更容易产生怨恨情绪了。Nobody carries a grudge better than this sign.

总是用小可蝎子从侧翼进攻。Always flank with small groups of Scorpion Tanks.

这是清蒸鲈鱼,这是油炸蝎子。This is steamed bass, and this is fried scorpion.

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炸蝎子口感酥脆,尝起来像鱼干。Scorpion is very crunchy and tastes like dried fish.

蝎子就说,‘我要是蜇你的话,我自己也会死的。’The scorpion says, ‘Because if I do, I will die too’.

我父王真是被一只毒蝎子咬死的吗?Did my father really die from the sting of a scorpion?

国际奥委会可是领教过蝎子是如何表现的。For its part, the IOC has learned how scorpions behave.

蝎子们2011年的事业发展会有个充满希望的开端。Their professional life in 2011 will start promisingly.

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求鸡蛋,反给他蝎子呢。Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

只剩一只蝎子了,但是刺却在尾巴上。There was only one scorpion. But the sting was in the tail.

没有父亲在儿子求鸡蛋时,反给他蝎子。No loving father gives his son a scorpion instead of an egg.

或以死于鳄鱼、狮子、蝎子或蛇来威胁。Or a death by crocodiles, or lions, or scorpions, or snakes.

饲养蝎子的方法,包括池养、缸养、盆养及瓶养等。The methods included feeding in pond, vat, basin and jar ete.

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比如,蝎子和沙丘鹤就是靠舞姿来吸引异性的。Scorpions and sandhill cranes, for instance, dance to impress.

不过,只有那些经验丰富和成熟的蝎子们才会懂得。However, this is so if such Scorpios are experienced and mature.

如今,我开着另一台贴着蝎子车标的菲亚特。Now I have been driving another Fiat bearing the scorpion badge.