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免费的酒水,节日狂欢者,当然还有礼花燃放。Free libations , holiday revelers, and of course, fireworks abound.

让我们共同努力,让我们的共同让生命绽放最灿烂的礼花。Let us work together for our lives and bloom the most brilliant fireworks.

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“笑脸”等造型礼花描绘出开放中国的图景。"Smiley face" style fireworks and other picture depicted the opening of China.

只见广场上的烟花一朵朵绽放的礼花腾空而起,哇!I saw the square of a blossoming fireworks display fireworks into the sky, wow!

花在自然界的模式。新娘最喜爱的一种,轻轻的水芋百合花通常叫婚礼花。A favorite of brides, the ethereal calla lily is often called the wedding flower.

上图,2000年1月1日,纽约时代广场上漂亮的礼花,为庆祝千禧年的到来。Above, New York's Times Square lights up as the new year is celebrated on Jan. 1, 2000.

圣诞节是西方的节日。回访礼花来庆祝新的一年的到来!Christmas is a Western festival. Visit fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year!

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铁花是一种别致的焰火,俗名铁犁铧、铁礼花或铁骊花。Iron ornamental work is a unique fireworks, name Plowshare iron, iron or Tieli fireworks flower.

她说前年看到启动马拉松比赛的清晨礼花大受鼓舞。She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before.

顿时,四面八方的炮声、礼花声响彻天空,安静的夜晚一下子变得热闹起来。Suddenly, in all directions of guns, fireworks ring from the sky, quiet night suddenly becomes lively rise.

当新年的钟声敲响的时候,我便拉着爸爸在小区的院子里放鞭炮燃礼花。When ringing in the New Year, I took father to set off firecrackers fireworks lighted the yard of the village.

遗憾的是,这些礼花到了某些外宾的手中,日后变成了对中华摧城掠地的火炮。It is pity that when the fireworks were in the hands of some foreigners, it become artilleries destroying China.

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2008年北京奥运会灿烂的烟火,被视为是庆祝中国成为世界强国的礼花。The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seen as marking China’s ascendance into world power status.

欢迎仪式显得热闹非凡,有乐队奏乐,鞭炮礼花齐鸣。The welcome ceremony appears extremely busy, has the orchestra to play music, the firecrackers fireworks sound together.

在黑黑的夜里,要是他在擦它,就迸出几许火星来,礼花般散落在水中。In the darkness of the night, if he sharpened it, it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water.

金色礼花从两岸竞相燃放,在浦江上空相迎对接,形成“手牵手”的特殊造型。Golden fireworks discharge from the two sides competing in the River over to greet docking to form a "hand in hand" special shape.

当天晚上,随着乐队奏起该市的市歌,普京主持了一场站立观看的表演,喷泉和礼花围绕涅瓦河畔。As the orchestra played the city' s anthem, Putin presided a standing show, and fountains and fireworks along the Neva River at night.

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缓慢的,散发着蜂蜜香味的花朵如礼花般绽放,七月的时候,池塘边的4英尺高的马利筋依稀长成了一堵屏风。The plants bloomed in slow, honey-fragrant fireworks, and by July there was a 4-foot wall of milkweed screening a dimly remembered pond.

中央电视台已经为一次非法礼花燃放事件道歉,这次燃放导致央视新大楼北配楼一座未完工的豪华酒店发生火灾。CCTV has apologized for an unlicensed fireworks display that caused a fire in an unfinished luxury hotel next to the network's new headquarters.

近几年来对流体如云、雾、烟、火、雨、水、礼花等进行模拟,已经成为计算机图形学领域的研究热点。Recently, the simulation of fluid, such as cloud, fog, smoke, fire, rain, water and fireworks, has become a hot point in computer graphic field.