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我是你的侄儿,麦罗斯叔叔。I'm your niece, Uncle Melrose.

夫人认为秦琼就是自己的侄儿。Lady think QinQiong is his nephew.

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我只是在为我心爱的侄儿着想。I'm only looking out for my favorite nephew.

这侄儿乱花他叔叔的钱。The nephew made free with his uncle' s money.

小侄儿看见了,很是喜欢,就拿去玩。Little nephew saw, is very like, take to play.

她的侄儿不说话,她的侄女也不说话。Neither her nephew nor her niece said anything.

西院病孀妇,后床孤侄儿。West Court disease widow, nephew after bed alone.

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侄儿马修在家中后院的小游乐场。Nephew Matthew's backyard playground of the house.

气势如虹,不愧是朕的侄儿。Such majestic demeanor as befits a nephew of mine.

格林先生有一个侄儿和一个侄女和他住在一起。Mr. Green had living with him a nephew and a niece.

您的侄儿祝您圣诞欢九九论坛愉。Destiny, guard our girls, A Christmas wish from your nephew.

侄儿发现犹太珠宝商的珠宝上有几滴露珠.My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewish jeweler’s jewel.

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他的侄儿用双手捧住这手,把它按在他的嘴唇上。His nephew took it in both his own, and pressed it to his lips.

我一到家,我的小侄儿就冲出来给我拿包。On my arrival home, my little nephew rushed out to take my bag.

不像朕的侄儿,也就是你们的太子,只会唱戏。Unlike my nephew your Crown Prince who only knows to sing and dance.

他的表哥班佛利欧和卡布利特夫人那位性格急躁的侄儿提伯特。His cousin Benvolio and Tybalt, the hotheaded nephew of Lady Capulet.

我侄儿把他女朋友给他的所有的信件都付之一炬。My nephew committed all the letters from his girl friend to the flames.

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是啊,我说什么大侄儿都肯听,也都能听懂。Yes, I said what big nephew are willing to listen to, also can understand.

全家人都知道大侄儿和我这个最偏心的大姑最铁。The whole family know great nephew and I the most eccentric aunt most iron.

有一位名叫笛特罗的人物,出版「瑞明的侄儿」,有一天他的书从他的口掉落。A character called Diderot published Rameau's Nephew, let it fall from his pocket.