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他们还在相信他那不争气的内阁,和他那短浅的政治眼光吗?Are they convinced by his cabinet and his vision, such as it is?

一青年,见识短浅亦无知蒙昧,恰得一剑。A young man, callow and foolish in innocence, came to own a sword.

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而随后当业绩出现问题时,人们又说这个公司的领导眼光短浅,战略一无是处。When performance then falters, they say the leader was myopic and had the wrong strategy.

今天,我们拥有了更高的楼房和更宽的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,我们的视野却更加短浅。Today we have higher buildings and wider highways , but shorter temperaments and narrow points of view.

世界是广阔的,那些眼光短浅、少见多怪的人其实是愚昧无知的。The world is broad and those short-sighted and less seen, more strange person are actually ignorant and stupid.

即使是目光最短浅的西欧政治家也不会坐视其邻国的经济和政治陷入混乱状态。Even the most short-sighted west European politician will surely not send his neighbours into economic and political anarchy.

十八世纪关于高贵野蛮人的写照,混淆了人类远祖与遭其捕猎的动物之间的区别,实为短浅之见。The eighteenth-century picture of the noble savage was short-sighted. It confused a distant ancestor with the animals he hunted.

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如果你发现自己胃部肌肉纠结,你的呼气短浅,放松全身肌肉,做几个深呼吸。If you find your stomach muscles knotted and your breathing is shallow, relax all your muscles and take several deep, slow breaths.

醉的人注意力上变得眼光短浅,甚至无法清楚地辨认出周围环境的信号指示以致事情将拙劣地结束。The intoxicated become attentionally short-sighted, even failing to spot clear environmental cues that things are going to end badly.

当时因为贫穷导致的急功近利、见识短浅的思想,现在看来确实是十分荒谬了。Because of the poverty in those days, that thirsts for quick success and instant benefit and the improvidence ideas, what is now looked as really absurd.

他们一心要奋斗不息,同时又常常为短浅的目标所蔽,以致对周围世界的巨变不屑一顾。They’re obsessed with constantly climbing, and are often so blinded by short-term goals that they can be indifferent to how the world might be crumbling around them.

情况并非如此,任何试图寻找21世纪早期关于美国教育沦陷蛛丝马迹的人,如果其仅看到这次国际教育测试的结果,那其目光之短浅,可窥一斑了。Not really. Anybody seeking signs of American decline in the early 21st century need look no further, it would seem, than the latest international educational testing results.

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这种眼光短浅的解决环境单个问题的方法通常让我们好心办坏事,也显示出他们对相互关联的环境系统如何运作的理解的匮乏。This myopic approach to environmental remediation commonly subverts our good intentions to solve environmental problems and demonstrates a lack of understanding of how inter-related systems work.

你也许喜欢时而短浅的冲刺-让你们2人同时获得高强度刺激,时而进行深长的冲刺,填满她的同时也让你自己平静下来,于是你可以维持的更长久。You may also want to try to alternate between short, shallow thrusts -- highly stimulating for you both -- and long deep thrusts, which fill her up while calming you down, so you can last longer.