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请寄一本样书给我。Please send a sample copy to me.

请寄大码的生产前办!Pls send PP sample in size large!

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我知道了。请寄往这个地址。I see. Please send it to this address.

请寄来经证明的文件。Please deliver the document certified.

请寄来有代表性的样品。Please send us the representative samples.

并请寄给我的每一个作业类型的价格。And please send me prices for each job type.

今天就请寄出随函附寄邮资预付的回复卡。Send off the enclosed postage-paid card today.

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意者请寄履历表与作品集给我们。Any question, please don't hesitate to tell us.

这封信请寄挂号。我要收据。Please register this letter. I'd like a receipt.

请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。Please send us your price list of quartz clocks.

请寄给我你的漫画书样稿。Please, send me samples of your Comic Book Work.

请寄给我们奥比斯义工登记表格。Please send us an ORBIS Volunteer Registration Form.

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请寄给我们关于你方新产品的小册子。Please send us your brochure on your latest products.

为贵会代祷,请寄上代祷资料。Pray for your Ministries, Please send me information.

请寄给我们一个关于你方新产品的商品目录。Please send us a catalogue regarding your new products.

请寄给我们你的规格,命令拳击短裤。Please send us your specification to order Boxing shorts.

请寄修改样和纸样以待确认!Pl. send a revised sample with paper patterns for approval.

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如你们有松籽仁现货,请寄来一些样品。If you have pine kernels in stock, please send us some samples.

请寄给我们有关奥比斯学生大使运动的资料。Please send us information on ORBIS Student Ambassador Campaign.

请寄来贵公司的商品目录并将租赁条件函告。Please send me your catalogue and terms and conditions for leasing.