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但问题也出来了,象峭壁模式这样完全通过"自然经济"进行发展这几乎是不可能的。The problem is, it's almost impossible to bootstrap a cliff business.

“官本位”是自然经济关系条件下,权威的人格化。"Officer standard" is personification of authority in natural economic.

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自然经济和计划经济不可能产生宪政。Natural economy and planned economy can't bring about constitutionalism.

其二,自然经济形态的经济本身就是一种道德经济。Second, the natural economic pattern of the economy itself is a moral economy.

今天这里依然依靠自给自足的自然经济,造就了五分之四的穷人和极少数的暴富者。It is a place of subsistence farming, where four-fifths are poor and a few are very rich.

中世纪早期的西欧庄园经济基本上是自给自足的自然经济。In the early middle ages, it was the autarky that dominated the manor economy in western Europe.

按照诺苏传统知识,理想的自然经济环境条件包括农地、牧场和森林。The ideal economy according to Nuosu traditional sayings includes fields, pastures, and forests.

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帝国主义列强的入侵打破了旧中国自给自足自然经济的正常发展。The imperialist invaders broke the normal development of old Chinas self-demand-self-supply economy.

作为犯罪行为,欺诈常常被政府当成干涉自然经济的理由。Fraud is a criminal activity and is therefore seen as the natural domain for government intervention.

改革前的社会主义经济是国家垄断社会主义自然经济。China′s socialist economy before the economic reform was a state-monopolized socialist natural economy.

长期以来,农业一直处于分散、落后、自给自足的自然经济之中。Long-term since, in the natural economy that agriculture is in dispersive, backward, autarky all the time.

鸦片战争前夕,中国是一个以自给自足的自然经济占统治地位的封建帝国,实行的是“闭关锁国”政策。Before the sino-British Opium War, China was a self-sufficient feudal empire. And it did the closed-door policy.

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但是,由于受生产力发展水平特别是市场化程度的限制,这里一直处于相对闭塞的自然经济状态。However, it long remained at a closed state of natural economy due to its poor productivity and marketing level.

在封建自然经济解体之前,商法只能以习惯法、商人自治法的形式存在。Commercial law existed in the form of rule of custom or autonomy before disorganization of feudal natural economy.

土地利用现状是科学地反映土地受自然经济和社会等多种因素制约而形成的土地利用现实状况。The situation of land use a scientific reflection of land restricted by a various of nature, social, economic factors.

海岸假设提出了一个以捕食海洋哺乳动物、搜捕咸水鱼类、使用船只为基础的自然经济。The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting, saltwater fishing gathering, and the use of watercraft.

戏曲晚出应主要归因于封建专制统治以及以农业为主的自然经济的束缚。The late beget of theatre chiefly impute to feudal despotism and the bondage of natural economy that mainly comprised agriculture.

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生态经济沟建设承担着把自然经济拉上商品经济轨道的职能和提高土地生产力的职能。It undertakes the function of converting the natural economy into commodity one, and enhance the soil productivity at the same time.

建立在自然经济和宗法社会基础上的小农意识,日益阻碍着中国现代化的纵深发展。The small farmer mentality, based on natural economy and patriarchal society, increasingly hinders the development of modernization.

如果有足够的人们做着这些相同的事情,会不会使我们的生活转向一个可信赖的、可持续的、其乐融融的自然经济呢?If enough of us do these things, will it be enough to transform our economy into a responsible, sustainable, joyful, Natural Economy?