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亚洲蚂蚁积累了大量的蚱蜢窝债权,感觉很富有。Asian ants build up piles of grasshopper debt and feel rich.

第三部分是关于债权代位权的实行效果。The third part discusses the effete of exercising subrogation.

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巨额金融债权损失,谁之过?。Who is Responsible for Immense Financial Creditor's Rights loss?

该公司仍欠持券人和银行债权人7.8万亿。The firm also owes ¥7.8 trillion to bondholders and bank creditors.

第二,债权人的债权必须是可重定价和可交易的。Secondly, the liabilities of banks must be re-pricing and transactional.

担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。A security contract shall be a subordinate one to the principal contract.

以我们方今的消费和债权速度,5年后,天知道我们会成什么样。At our rgot of spending a goodd debt. Who knows where we will take 5 years.

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那么这笔钱可能将直接成为遗产,在债权人的债权要求里面。Then the money might go into the estate and be subject to creditor’s claims.

第四部分是一般债权质权的实行和消灭。Part four details execution and extinguishment of pledge on general obligation.

现在银行又恢复了多年前的做法,将更多贷款的债权保留在自己手中。Now, banks are holding on to more of the loans they make, as they did years ago.

担保合同是主债权债务合同的从合同。A guarantee contract is an ancillary contract of the principal claim-debt contract.

某个养老金的章程可能要求他们卖掉濒临破产公司的债权。A pension fund’s rules might require them to sell bonds of companies in bankruptcy.

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其他依法不适用诉讼时效规定的债权请求权。Any other claim to which the provisions on statute of limitations are inapplicable.

第八十三条债务人接到债权转让通知时,债务人对让与人享有债权,并且债务。Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in.

债权保全制度起源于罗马法上的撤销之诉。As an institution of debt preservation, subrogation originated from ancient Roman Law.

但是这种规则在AAA和其他赌博时机成熟的债权之间产生了边缘地带。But this rule created a boundary between AAA and other bonds that was ripe for gaming.

就算你给了他更多的钱,听听那有。他也还不清债权。Even if you had given him much more money he might not haudio-videoe paid off the debt.

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在买下这个债权后,柯罗尼给杰克逊留下了一点短期的喘息空间。After buying the loan, Colony negotiated some short-term breathing room for Mr. Jackson.

清偿是合同终止、债权债务关系消灭的法定原因。Discharge has the legal effect of terminating contract and debtor-creditor relationship.

就算你给了他更多的钱,他也还不清债权。机能。Even if you had given him much more money- he might not haudio-videoe paid off the debt.