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我的头撞在了一个低树杈…I bumped my head on a low branch.

我蹲在树杈上,树枝抽打着我。I crouched down in the fork of the tree.

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照在树杈里酣睡的小鸟身上。And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.

接着现在按一下这两个树杈给雪人臂膀。And now click on the two branches to give the snowman arms.

树杈上,几个小孩踩着树枝在荡漾。The branches of the tree, several children on the branches in the waves.

河狸可以找到更多营养丰富的嫩枝和树杈来养活新的群体。Beavers find enough nutritious twigs and branches to support new colonies.

如果你能把这些树杈锯成同样长度的木段,我们获利会更大一些。If you can saw the branches into equal lengths of wood, we shall make a bigger profit.

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你得搞清楚夜半时分,那个伸出的树杈影子落在什么地方,然后就在那里开挖才行呀!You got to find out where the shadow of the limb falls at midnight, and that's where you dig!

今天,睡梦中被电锯的声音吵醒,稍后一根大树杈子从房顶扎了进来。FML。Today, I was awakened by the sound of chain-saws. Moments later a tree branch came through my roof. FML.

林中的树杈和棘刺划在他的小脸上,可是他却迎面而上,不去躲避,因为他有更重要的事要做。Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much higher purpose.

他把我带到了他的视野上,他在树顶上疾行,我们像是扑向树杈。He pushes me out his window, and he scurries up to the top of the trees, and we're sort of jumping on branches.

助训员应当手执古怪之物,如一个桶或枝叶茂盛的树杈,目的是吸引犬的注意。The decoy should be carrying something odd, such as a bucket or a leafy tree branch, just to attract attention.

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蜘蛛大婶儿在几个树杈中间织了一张网。这张网又大又圆。Spider's oldest wife's son in between several tree forks weaved a web. This web grew bigger and bigger in a circle.

因为无事可做,我就数起了落在树杈枝叶上的雪花。Since I did not have anything better to do, I counted the snowflakes settling on the twigs and needles of my branch.

客厅有一棵枫树冲天而立,树杈已经将屋顶从墙柱撑起来了。A maple tree stretched skyward from the living room, its branches lifting the roof's frame from the structure's walls.

他拿了一个树杈就下河了,河水非常浅,约三四斤重的大马哈鱼游来游去。He took a tree branches on the lower river, the river is very shallow, about three or four pounds weight of salmon swimming.

在松达班,野蜂群在树杈、树洞和岩缝筑巢,生产蜂蜡和蜂蜜。In the Sundarbans, beeswax and honey are produced by wild bee swarms that build hives on branches, in tree holes and crevices.

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等我们老了,阳光依旧会暖暖的照在树杈上,那时的我们是否能安详地坐在树下聆听花开的声音。When we are old, still be warm sun shone on the branch, then we can sit quietly under a tree listening to the voices of flowers.

当晚上黑猩猩栖居于树上的时候,一个农林助理员通过在一个叉形的树杈上固定塑料袋的形式来收集黑猩猩的尿液。While chimpanzees nested in trees at night, a field assistant below them caught urine in a plastic bag held between a forked twig.

等我们老了,阳光依旧会暖暖的照在树杈上,那时的我们是否能安详地坐在树下聆听花开的声音?When we old and still be warm sun shone on Shucha Shang, at that time if we could sit quietly under a tree listening to the voices of flowers?