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它们是相交的。They intersect.

这两条线在A点相交。The two lines cut at point A.

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与同你相等或比你好的人相交。Mix with your equals or betters.

两条路或街相交的地方。An intersection formed in this way.

这是团契相交的问题。This is the question of fellowship.

没有发生“三重相交”And, there's no triple intersection.

这两条路在古德曼以北相交。The two roads meet north of Goodman.

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在某些路段,它与16条线路相交。In some sections, it's 16 lanes across.

街道通常成直角相交。Streets usually intersect at right angles.

你船的航迹正与参照线相交一点。Your track is converging to reference line.

换句话说,电场线不会相交。In other words, field lines never intersect.

直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E.

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在相交处应画出交线的投影。Draw the projection of the intersection line.

那相交点正在消失,是对会合的幻觉。A vanishing point. The illusion of convergence.

阡陌相交,炊烟袅袅,江南的秋有写不尽的诗情。As we know, autumn in south has endless poetry.

垂直线与水平线在此相交。The vertical line meets the horizontal one here.

我们生命的道路不再相交了。The paths of our lives simply no longer intersect.

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圆周内两直径必相交。Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other.

我们每天花多少时间与主相交呢?How much time do we spend with the Lord day by day?

真理的上帝不与心怀二意的人相交。Double-minded men are strangers to the God of truth.