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他长得很英俊,专靠耍弄有钱的寡妇。He's very charming and preys on rich widows.

他们一直在耍弄种种卑鄙的伎俩。I wished he had never played his bastardly tricks.

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未经主人答应,勿要拿起耍弄别人的珍贵之物。Don't touch or play with precious things without the owner's permission.

未经主人允许,勿要拿起耍弄别人的贵重之物。Don"t touch or play with precious things without the owner"s permission.

了解如何在这个自由耍弄杂技技巧初学者两个球视频。Learn how to juggle two ball in this free beginner juggling tricks video.

当你仅仅在抽象的层面上耍弄知识,你只能构建很少的知识连结。When you juggle ideas only at an abstract level, you make fewer connections.

她推测,他是想像耍弄她们那样耍弄她。He wanted, she supposes, to cheat her of her tranquility as he had cheated them.

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没有哪一个政党,耍弄这样的政治阴谋和经济欺骗后还可以存在下去的。No party could survive such a record of political trickery and financial jugglery.

就好像她是个小孩子似的,你很可能看到她耍弄那个博斯克老太太的!You should have seen her toying with the old Bousque woman as if she were a child!

但是,也有大公司试图耍弄一大群人的传统。But there’s also a tradition of large companies attempting to fool a lot of people.

当你运用经济101管理,就是在鼓励开发人员耍弄系统。When you use Econ 101 management, you’re encouraging developers to game the system.

尤其有意思的是,媒体也经常耍弄大众去相信一些不真实的事情。In particular, the media often try to make people believe something which is not true.

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还记得小时候曾被一个酒店/旅馆的员工耍弄吗?Remember when you were little and the staff at a hotel or restaurant made a special fuss of you?

看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。It's amusing to watch members jockeying FOR the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.

当我们审视烟草业时,我们看到,陈旧的行业真的可以耍弄一些新花招。When we look at the tobacco industry, we see that you really can teach a dirty old dog some new tricks.

克里斯蒂娜说自己与迈可太相似了,所以迈可不可能像耍弄其他人一样耍弄她。Christina says she and he are too similar for him to be able to manipulate her like he can manipulate others.

当他操控自如时,就可随意制造双杀,大联盟打者只能被他的一流绝招耍弄。When he is on, he can command a double play at will, and Major League hitters look foolish topping his pitches.

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这一天是愚人节,根据传统,人们都喜欢耍弄和嘲笑别人。It's April Fool's Day, a day when people traditionally like to try to make a fool of someone else and laugh at them.

抛弃契约精神耍弄小聪明的人,无视契约精神把小聪明用的极好的民族,最终将丧失获取大智慧的机会。The individuals and nations who take advantage of others regardless of social contract will fail to gain high profits.

体外受精曾一度被视为神耍弄的堕落把戏,而现在被人们,其中甚至有许多虔诚的宗教信徒所接受。In vitro fertilization was once seen as depraved God-playing and is now embraced, even by many of the devoutly religious.