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他有个百万富翁的父亲。He had a millionaire father.

谁想成为百万富翁?Who wants to be a millionnaire?

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大家说他是个百万富翁。He was reputed to be a millionaire.

狄克特自己成了一个百万富翁Dichter himself became a millionaire

那次投机买卖使他成了百万富翁。That venture made him a millionaire.

保罗是我们中的第一个百万富翁。Paul is the first millionaire of us all.

她本来可以成为一个百万富翁的。She could have ended up a millionairess.

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亨利把自己伪装成百万富翁。Henry palmed himself off as a millionaire.

调查结果还显示,百万富翁平均年龄是46岁。The average age of the millionaires is 46.

一个百万富翁住在英国的一个郡。A millionaire lived in a county of England.

百万富翁是不会分期付款来买东西的。Millionaires don't buy things on instalments!

亚洲百万富翁人数首超欧洲。Asia outnumbers Europe in millionaire population.

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我有好多顾客是百万富翁。I have a couple of clients that are millionaires.

你知道林达嫁给了一个百万富翁吗?。Do you know Linda is going to marry a millionaire?

他是百万富翁而他父亲却不名一文。He is a millionaire and his father without a cent.

答案——是"平民窟的百万富翁"——已经成为历史。The answer -- "Slumdog Millionaire" -- is history.

这个百万富翁爱钱胜过任何东西。The millionaire loved money above all other things.

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在进棺材前,我要过得稍稍象个百万富翁!before I die! I want to be a bit of a millionnaire!

我真的不介意百万富翁投反对票反对我。I don’t mind really if millionaires vote against me.

要是举办一个百万富翁展销会却门可罗雀,那该怎么办?What if they held a millionaire fair and no one came?