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我认为这是强人所难。I regard it as an imposition.

你无法叫螃蟹直着走。本性难移,不必强人所难。You can't make a crab walk straight.

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于是,我们变得贪婪,吝啬,和强人所难。Thus we become greedy, stingy, and inconsiderate.

我知道这是强人所难。但是请听我说完。I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.

让小孩子安安生生地看完整块棒场比较实在是强人所难。It's hard for little kids to sit through a whole baseball game.

为了相处融洽,不要强人所难,要求别人办些超出能力范围之外的事。To lice happily with other people, ask of them only what they can give.

至少,政府会要求这项强人所难的投资能够带来让人欣慰的回报。That will require, at a minimum, a positive return on the coerced investment.

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英语准确的音节对于他来说是有些强人所难。He knew what he wanted to say, but the actual articulation was difficult for him.

要约翰管理这个系,又要他上满工作量的课程,这是强人所难。Eg. They forced John's hands to run the department and teach a full load of courses.

这在中国追求稳定发展之际无疑是强人所难,此其一。But this is obviously an outrageous demand given China's stable development strategy.

学会面对不论多大的工作挑战或者老板如何的强人所难,放松自己。Learn to relax no matter how challenging the work gets or how demanding your bosses become.

小叔,你在强人所难。你难道连纪念的权利都不给我留下吗?Brother-in-law, you are forcing to act. You even does none of right for being in souvenir of quit for me?

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如此则不利于鼓励行为人停止犯罪,与中止理论的初衷相违背,违反了“法不强人所难”的原则。That is too strict to encourage criminal prohibit the crime , which is not in accord with the original intention of the crime determination.

而在交际场合上,西方国家的人们讲求尊重个人权益和个人隐私,所以他们不会做强人所难的事。In the communication occasions, people in Western countries emphasizes respect for individual rights and personal privacy, so they do not do a difficult one.

也许要求奥巴马学中文有点强人所难,但是澳大利亚总理陆克文那口流利的普通话却为诸国首脑树立了一个好榜样。It is, perhaps, ambitious to ask Obama to learn Chinese, but Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's decent Mandarin has set a formidable standard for heads of state.

吴宗宪说自己酒量还好,“每个人酒量不同,不用强人所难拼酒,真的推不掉我也会用唱歌挡酒”。Wu said that those who have their own good, "those who have each person different, imposing no drinking, I can not really push the block will be used to sing of wine."

这样在第二个五分钟内出现等量的推动力就显得强人所难了,但很可能经过一定盘整震荡孕育出加速。An equal thrust in the next time period is difficult to manage, but a general drift in the direction of the first five minutes is likely with an acceleration after further accumulation has occurred.