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冠军舍我其谁!We are the champion.

拥有天下舍我其谁的气势。I am the only real world has the momentum.

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努力奋斗是每个人的责任,我对这样的责任怀有一份舍我其谁的信念。A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.

谁能帮助翻译“如欲平治天下,当今之世,舍我其谁也?吾何为不豫哉?。For Mercedes-Benz the world, when the world of today, who but myself also?

英雄舍我其谁,胜利当仁不让,声声誓言浸透着健儿们的昂扬斗志。Personal heroes, the clear victory, and again vowed to stay in the athletes of high morale.

正是这种对民族的责任,这种舍我其谁的勇气而非地域的差别,才让我们北大人与众不同。It is this responsibility and devotion that makes us different, but not the distinction in areas.

这个充满无限可能和无限光明的硕士项目,跟小人简直天生一对地造一双,舍我其谁啊!The infinite possibilities and infinite light with master's programs, people can make a pair, who gave me the!

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每个人心中都存有继续往前的使命感。努力奋斗是每个人的责任,我对这样的责任怀有一份舍我其谁的信念。The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.

当然,还有许多中国的健儿取得了好成绩,他们舍我其谁、独占鳌头的精神也令我难忘。Of course, there are many of China's athletes achieved good results, they who but myself can do, the spirit of the champion also makes me memorable.

欧盟自认为生态治理的领袖舍我其谁,但德里克•萨特认为它离这个形象还很遥远。The European Union likes to think of itself as the unrivalled champion of eco-governance but, argues Derrick Sutter, it is far from living up to its image.

漫长的赛季,只有激情没有耐力的球队是不可能领先到终点的。这一点就我看来,尤文舍我其谁?An enthusiastic football team seizes hardly the last winner cup without durability. Talking of this, As far as I am concerned, Juventus is on the top of the list.

今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor. A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy.

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对于很多创新事物来说,这个观点已经处于舍我其谁的思想指导地位了,并且它在创新思维领域中起着强劲有力的作用,从而值得在任意发展过程中被实践和被保护。It is not only a prevalent narrative in the stories of so many innovations, but a powerful tool in creative thinking, and deserves both practice and protection during any development process.