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它就叫做年金That's called an annuity.

于是出现了年金抵押贷款We now have annuity mortgages.

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公司赐予他年金。The firm granted him a pension.

我现在仍不知道年金为何物。I still don't know what annuities are.

那么年金的现值又是什么呢What is the present value of an annuity?

他退休后靠年金维生。He lives on his annuity after retirement.

这就是年金公式,记得吗This is just the annuity formula, remember?

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给人年金,他就会长命百岁。Give a man an annuity and he'll live for ever.

2004年金盆洞遗址被第二次发掘。The Jinpendong site was excavated again in 2004.

这年金不够应付生活费用。The pension is not sufficient for living expenses.

关于年金的一个很好的例子就是房屋抵押A good example of an annuity is a mortgage on a house.

年金是客户与保险公司签订的一种合同。An annuity is a contract you make with an insurance company.

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其中最简单的东西叫做公债或叫永续年金The simplest thing is something called a consol or perpetuity.

而在您等待经济反弹的时候,年金收益率可能已经下调了。And while you wait for it to bounce back, annuity rates could fall.

同年金思维男孩发布地下卧铺命中握!That same year the Geto Boys released the underground sleeper hit Grip It!

当孩子们还很小的时候,我为他们各买了一份可变年金。When my children were young, I opened a variable annuity for each of them.

而要规范企业年金保障职工的权利只能依靠法律手段。We should regularize occupational pension and ensure the employees' rights.

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娱乐的生活,2006年金球奖典礼的红地毯覆盖面。Entertainment's live red carpet coverage of the 2006 Golden Globes ceremony.

研究结果显示,劳退新制提拨比例与国民年金保险费率越高,越不利于经济成长。In my work, apes, monkeys, and lemurs serve as visual metaphors for human growth.

你可以按年、半年、季度、或月定期从你的养老年金计划取款。You can receive your RRIF payments annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly.