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这点困难她根本不放在眼里。She thinks nothing of a difficulty like that.

如果你瞧瞧韩国对核试验的态度,他们几乎都不放在眼里。If you look at what the South Koreans did, they hardly blinked an eye.

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太子不把如意放在眼里,当场就想搜索晋王下落。The prince dont in the eyes, there and then want to search in the fall.

如果她当上经理助理就会把我们不放在眼里。She won't pay any more attention to us if she becomes a manager-assistant.

其他的狗开始渐渐不把斯皮茨放在眼里,甚至公然违抗他。The other dogs began to lose their respect for Spitz and even disobey him.

金童便说他现在翅膀硬了,不把自己放在眼里了。Golden webbed hands say he wings hard now, do not put yourself in the eyes.

基本就没把亲家和本人放在眼里,十分要面子的郝建国觉的没有脸面!Basic didn't put in-laws and I put in eyes, very HaoJianGuo felt no hadn't face!

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自负的龙泽一夫根本不把杉木的忠告放在眼里,一意孤行。Conceited longtzer lady didn t put Chinese fir advice on eyes, going her own way.

几十年前,一部电影的海外票房几乎不被好莱坞电影公司的高管放在眼里。Decades ago, a movie's foreign box office barely registered with studio executives.

“他去费顿了,”杰西卡说,根本没注意这件事实在没有把她父亲放在眼里。"He was going to Wheaton, " said Jessica, not noticing the slight put upon her father.

杰姆对这一回的经过,得意得忘乎所以,甚至不把别的黑奴放在眼里。Jim was monstrous proud about it, and he got so he wouldn't hardly notice the other niggers.

李元霸压根不把裴元庆放在眼里,当场扔下裴元庆又向其它地方进发。The LiYuan doesnot put PeiYuanQing in eyes, on the spot PeiYuanQing down again to other place there.

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他们本以为她只是个小女孩儿,因此可以完全不把她放在眼里。They thought they were only dealing with a little girl and, therefore, could ride roughshod over her.

鹰压根儿没拿区区的屎壳郎放在眼里,硬是当着他的面把兔子吞吃了。But the eagle, disdaining his small size and insignificance, devoured the hare as the beetle looked on.

有了周淮海的支持,潘达并不把给帅飘做后台的七十六号放在眼里。With the support of zhou huai hai, pan was not put to make handsome wave background of seventy-six eyes.

如果你遇到的每个人都想和你配成一对儿,你大概再不会将魅力值低于十的人放在眼里了。If every single person you meet wants to pair with you, you'll probably never settle for less than a ten.

他是一名罪犯,痛恨政府,对烟酒有着极深的欲望,不把权威放在眼里。He is a convict, he hates the government, wants to drink and smoke, and doesn’t give a crud about authority.

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你知道么,你是我今天碰到的第二个自以为有一把左轮就把整个世界不放在眼里了的人了。You know, you're the second guy I've met today that seems to think a gat in the hand means the world by the tail.

许多你接触的人,在许很长时间辰也会不喜欢、贬损、不放在眼里或纰漏你。Most of the people you deal with will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say or do most of the time.

我知道帕蒂不喜欢我,她总是瞧不起我,也从来不把康妮放在眼里。And I know Patty doesn’t like me, she’s always looked down her nose at me and been snooty about Connie. I know that.