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他应该改弦更张,不要再走老路了。He should change his method and not adhere to the old way any longer.

既然美国国债还有投资者买,国会为什么要改弦更张?Until investorsstop buying US Treasurys, why should Congress change its ways?

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美国政府如果不迅速改弦更张,我们不久之后将会问,是谁丢了欧洲?Unless US policy swiftly changes course, we will all soon be asking, who lost Europe?

必须给这些阿富汗人一个选择改弦更张的出路。These Afghans must have the option to choose a different course," the president added.

而问题的关键是,一旦我们说出来,我们就已经跨出了“自我导航”式心理的藩篱,并拥有了改弦更张的选择权。The key here is that once we name it, we’ve stepped outside of the auto-pilot and now have a choice to redirect.

美只有改弦更张,从根本上反省和改变其不公的中东政策,才能在伊斯兰世界树立真正的良好形象。S cannot dispel America's bad image in Islamic world only if America changes its unfair and unjust middle-east policy.

洋务企业未能及时改弦更张以根除企业弊病来求得应有发展,这是其一大教训。The historical lesson is that Yangwu enterprises didn't reform and exterminate the faults timely for further development.

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同时,其财政政策实践也影响了后来政府的“改弦更张”、向货币主义靠拢。At the same time, its financial policy has affected the later government to make a "fresh start" and approach to monetarism.

再不改弦更张,我们就只能从一个危机走向另一个危机,这条失败之路已经带来了破坏性的后果。If we do, we will continue to drift from crisis to crisis, a failed path that has already had devastating consequences, " he said.

布什政府显然理解这一点,而奥巴马政府似乎也没有理由改弦更张。The Bush administration apparently understood this and the Obama administration does not appear to have reasons to think differently.

然后中国官方很快直接敦促朝鲜改弦更张,以维持东北亚稳定,外交受到鼓舞。Diplomacy then quickened, with Chinese officials directly pushing North Korea to change its ways soon in order to keep stability in Northeast Asia.

我们奉劝美方改弦更张,迷途知返,早日回到对话的正确道路上来。We would advise the U.S. side to change its practice, realize its errors and mend its way, and return to the right track of dialogue as soon as possible.

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但是,前提是伊朗领导人能够改弦更张,采取行动恢复国际社会的信任,并履行其义务。But that better pathway can only be achieved if Iran’s leaderschange course, act to restore the confidence of the international community, and fulfill their obligations.

但莫顿女士和亚伯达大学的马丁‧克柯赛克等研究人员预测,除非渔场改弦更张或搬走,否则某些当地洄游的鲑鱼群将会消失。But Ms. Morton and researchers like Martin Krkosek of the University of Alberta predict that some local salmon runs will disappear unless the farms are altered or removed.

但正是从那时起,FCB旧金山营业处开始改弦更张,他们通过建立时尚热门网站和互动式标题广告将重点转向了互动式媒体策划工作。But FCB San Francisco has since reinvented itself with a strong focus on interactive media planning, using some nifty website executions and interactive banner advertising.

中方郑重要求日方切实本着上述精神,立即改弦更张,停止任何侵害中方主权权益的行径。China solemnly requires Japan to faithfully carry on the above spirit, immediately correct its behavior and stop any move infringing China's sovereignty rights and interests.

在其人权外交实施的过程中,卡特没能区别对待盟友与敌人,从而使其盟友在国际上陷于被动,美国在第三世界的影响削弱,最终导致了美国在与苏联全球争霸态势中的全面被动和伊朗的改弦更张。Carter did not take special care to his allies compared to his enemies. That leads to the collapse of Pahlavi's domination and the weak influence on the third world for the US.

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国务卿克林顿表示,奥巴马政府目前正在参与一项外交行动,进一步孤立伊朗并对其施加压力,以促使伊朗政府改弦更张。The Obama administration is now involved in a diplomatic campaign to further isolate Iran and apply pressure to encourage a change in the Iranian government’s behavior, Clinton said.

“幸福”一词的流行并非决心改弦更张的表现,而是在逢迎中央与向底层民众秀慈悲。The word’s popularity among bureaucrats is more an attempt to please leaders in Beijing and show sympathy for the less well-off than a sign of any real determination to change their ways.

她承认,或许有必要以进一步的经济制裁和政治制裁的方式加强对伊朗政权的压力,使之深刻认识到改弦更张的重要性。Clinton acknowledged that additional pressure in the form of sanctions — economic and political — may become necessary to impress the Iranian regime of the importance of changing its actions.