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像迈克尔布雷。Like Michael Buble.

布雷恩·布莱克先生已经到了。Mr Brian Black is here.

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教他一教,德布雷。Give him a lesson, Debray.

布雷泽从不相信命运。BLITZER never believe in fate.

布雷泽从不相信命运。Blazer never believed in destiny.

次年,担任爱德华·布雷多克将军的助手。The next year, as an aide to Gen.

布雷恩为原告作证。Brayne testified for the plaintiff.

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布雷肯在2013年十月份接受了手术。Brecon had his operation in October 2013.

向新科冠军本·贾利·达阿尔布雷致敬。Hail to the new champion Bengali D'Albret.

他已准备好一张布雷要图。He had prepared a map for his mine defense.

阿比盖尔布雷斯林次安娜的妹妹。Abigail Breslin plays Anna, the younger sister.

塞内加尔表示将于星期一把哈布雷引渡回乍得。Senegal says it will extradite Habre on Monday.

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所有的游戏的布雷系列合并为一个!All the games of Buble series combined into one!

嘿.布雷.你这周六打算做什么?Hey, Bray. What are you going to do this Saturday?

因为布雷恩·布塔诺从不受任何人欺负。Cause Brian Boitano doesn't take shit from anybody.

孩子们也需要知道整个事件,布雷弗曼认为。Children also need the whole story, Braverman said.

布雷舰有”海上布雷手“之称。The mine has" marine lays mines the hand "the name.

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布雷恩·布塔诺会怎么做若他现在在这里。So what would Brian Boitano do if he was here today.

5月,我决定提名布雷耶法官。In May, I made the decision to nominate Judge Breyer.

布雷恩·布塔诺会怎么做若他现在在这里。What would Brian Boitano do if he was here right now.