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她现在是一个男仆。Goldie is now a footman.

男仆恭恭敬敬地送走了客人。The footman bowed the guests out.

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他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。They were bowed out by the footman.

我属于主管酒类的男仆同业公会。I belong to a guild of wine butlers.

男仆和女厨在谈恋爱。The footman walks out with the cook.

主人和男仆一起去打猎!Master and man together go a-hunting!

夫人,那是特雷西先生的忠实男仆,凯拉诺。Milady that's mr. tracy's loyal manservant kyrano.

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这所房子里现在有一个男仆和女仆在里面生活。There were a houseman and a maid in the house now.

目前我是我自己的男仆和客厅待女。I am my own footman and parlour-maid for the moment.

这位绅士有一个男仆照顾他的衣食住行。The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.

荷马扬叔叔和他的男仆占着整个顶楼。Uncle Homayoun and his manservant occupied the entire upstairs.

按过铃,一个小男仆就捧了一只盛汤的银器进来。In answer to the ring, appeared a page boy with a silver soup tureen.

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贴身男仆的活他干不了,就像他当不了证券经纪人,也走不了钢丝一样。He could no more be a valet than he could be a stockbroker or a wire-walker.

人若卖女儿作婢女,婢女不可象男仆那样出去。If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do.

先不管她们,我径直走到大门前,扣响了门铃,开门的是鲍先生的中国男仆浩克·拖伊,穿的一身白夹克,他一闪身让我进到屋子里来。I rang the bell and the sleek, white-jacketed Chinese houseboy, Hock Tooey, let me in.

家庭私人医生,厨师,尼古拉的贴身男仆,亚利桑得拉的女仆德米多娃也在其中。The family's doctor, their cook, Nicholas's valet and Alexandra's maid Demidova came too.

过了不久,厄特森正坐在壁炉边,杰凯尔医生的男仆普尔前来求见。Utterson was sitting by his fireside when Poole, DR. Jekyll's manservant, sought entrance.

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唔,马上可发不走,贾斯珀和配膳男仆都出去送信、发电报了。Well, it can't go at once. Jasper and the pantry-boy are both out with notes and telegrams.

一个管家兼男仆礼仪周到地把埃利奥特先生引进屋里。With all the state which a butler and foot-boy could give, Mr Elliot was ushered into the room.

显然,他的男仆哈吉,为了方便,也随主人吃素了。Apparently—for the sake of convenience—Haji, the manservant, had also adopted his master's diet.