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买卖兴隆。The business is brisk.

这真是桩好买卖。This is good business.

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你是怎么做成这笔买卖的?How did you mange that?

这场决赛将是一个大买卖。The Final is a big deal.

集镇是买卖农作物的场所。Market towns trade crops.

他做羊毛买卖。He's in the wool business.

这笔买卖还未定。The sale is still pendent.

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他们为买卖商品讨价还价。They dickered over the goods.

广告是一宗大买卖。Advertising is a big business.

多斯拉克人不侍买卖。Dothraki neither buy nor sell.

他的买卖去年倒闭了。His business crashed last year.

他做皮革制品的买卖。He buys and sells leather goods.

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你找到什么好买卖了吗?Did you find a good idear on one?

村里的鱼市买卖繁忙。The village fish markets are busy.

我们公司没能做成这笔大买卖。Our firm lost out on this big deal.

那次投机买卖使他成了百万富翁。That venture made him a millionaire.

欢迎买卖二手名牌手袋和名表。We buy & sell branded bags & watches.

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美国本身是一宗大投机买卖,非常大。The USA was a big operation, very big.

法雷纳这一天做了一笔好买卖。Frenna did a big business all day long.

威瑟斯太愚蠢了,他应该同意那桩买卖。Withers was a fool. He should have sold.