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再见。Good bye.

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再见。Take care.

再见,宝贝。Ciao, baby.

再见,朋友!Adios amigos!

再见,奶奶!Bye, Grandma!

再见埃伦。Ellen goodbye.

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再见,爸爸。Goodbye, Papi.

再见,克拉拉!Bye-bye, Clara!

保重。再见!Take care. Bye!

再见,乔治。Goodbye, George.

明天再见!See yor tomorrow.

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下次再见I'll see you then.

分组讨论的时候我们再见See you in section.

再见吧!朋友。Good-bye old friend.

再见,好朋友。Goodbye, good buddy.

我会的.再见.再见!I will. Bye-bye!Bye!

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然后我说再见。Then I said goodbye.

去工作吧。再见。Go to work. Good-bye.

再见啦,蒂姆,好兄弟。Good-by, Tim, me boy.