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灌溉天边朝露。Dew irrigation horizon.

挽起一面轻纱,看清天边月牙。Take a veil, see the horizon moon.

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天边并不能看真,看远去,发觉头已经抬高,看到了天上。I couldn’t see the horizon clearly.

一片白帆沿着天边移动。A white sail moves along the horizon.

阴霾遮住天边。Piles of shadows covered the horizon.

这些树木几乎快高到天边了。These trees can almost touch the sky.

驻立于天桥上,仰望着天边的残阳。In an overpass, looking up at the sky.

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天边浅淡薄雾起,蛐蛐叫月。The sky light thin mist, cricket that month.

小镇天边露出的红光是那么的自然。The red glow is a natural glow of a nearby town.

远处的天边,则是一片最深的群青。The horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.

带着欢笑拥向天边。Crowding cheerfully toward the horizon of the sky.

天色已晚,天边的夕阳被夜色掩盖住。It was already late, the sky sunset by night to hide.

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这条路似乎永不到头,一直通向天边。The road seems to go on forever into the far horizon.

你们像雨点一般从天边落下。You like the raindrop falling from the fringe of sky.

从脚下一直望到天边,一只水獭也不见。Not an Otter to be seen, as far as the distant horizon.

你能感觉在遥远的天边,有一张青春的面孔被抛离的感觉吗?Could you know from afar the feelings of someone jilted?

漂泊的风从远方吹来,空寂的天边。Wandering the wind blowing from afar, the empty horizon.

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星星也在天边照耀着布列瑟侬。Are they shining over Bressanone and upon the other side.

关于告慰真情和漫随天边的的记忆?Man on the comfort of love and memories with the horizon?

熊熊大火映红了整个天边。The whole horizon glowed with the light of the great fire.