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美国摩拳擦掌,派遣军舰前往利比亚US flexes muscle, sends warships to Libya

有时也煞有介事,拿着简谱在钢琴上摩拳擦掌。Sometimes story, take on the piano chords try.

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毫无疑问,律师们正摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。The lawyers are, no doubt, rubbing their hands.

美国是会为了再一次大举讨伐邪恶而摩拳擦掌?Is the US girding its loins for another great crusade against evil?

他们摩拳擦掌,极想打架,因此,他们到外面决一雌雄去了。They were just spoiling for a fight, and they went out to settle the matter.

火星进入星盘就加强了你的魔力,你也为夏季爱恋摩拳擦掌。Your mojo's rising as Mars enters your sign, and you're ready for some summer lovin'.

在此之前,联储主席本.伯南克一直在摩拳擦掌的期待着什么。At this point Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke rubs his hands together expectantly.

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再看那田赛场上的运动员,也个个摩拳擦掌,毫不示弱。Look at those athletes on the infield , but also everybody gearing up no sign of weakness.

在众多猜疑人士与信用评级机构中,欧洲的左翼“流氓”和“恶棍”纷纷摩拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。In speculators and ratings agencies, Europe’s left has a ready cast of villains and rogues.

基金经理相信市场正在形成较清楚的趋势,也正摩拳擦掌准备大展身手.Managers believe clear market trends are now developing, and are gearing up to get on board.

大家都知道我们的对手都在摩拳擦掌,他们下定决心做点什么来改变现状。They know our rivals must be rubbing their hands and they are determined to do something about it.

马上,海盗们瞪起眼睛,咬牙切齿,摩拳擦掌,把我们团团围住了。In a moment the pirate be all around us rolling their eyes gnash their teeth and filing their nail.

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最后,当我看到他们的板凳席上每一个人都在摩拳擦掌的时候,我知道我们要输了。It did and until everybody steps up and man´s up, then teams are going to throw their bench punch and we´ll fold.

秃鹰坐在那里,摩拳擦掌,快乐地等待着事情的发生。The vulture is sitting there--well, if it could it would be--rubbing its hands with glee waiting for this to take place.

还有,本季伦敦时装周的序曲即将在周五上午开始奏响,恰逢又是时装周25周年庆典的魅力驱使,正是时尚前沿的先锋们摩拳擦掌的好时机。What's more, when London Fashion Week kicks off on Friday morning, the ante will be upped by this being the 25th-anniversary year.

一个被加利福尼亚的西风吹得不见血色的柔弱女子哪是这个摩拳擦掌、气势汹汹的老混蛋的对手。A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer.

引得很多多少学生摩拳擦掌,孩子们在真实地情形中纵情地扮演,能够让他们轻松控制要学地学问。Attracted many students itch for a try, the children in the real situation and performance, so that they can easily grasp the knowledge to learn.

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如果你正在为你的编剧“处女作”焦头烂额,或者正摩拳擦掌想开启你的编剧职业生涯,一定要花时间向其他的编剧们讨教。If you're struggling with that first screenplay or are attempting to start a career in the field, take the time to learn from other screenwriters.

安娜贝尔·怀特斯通在1982年圣诞的早晨醒来时,发现家门口挤满了闻讯赶来的记者以及为争夺房产而摩拳擦掌的律师。Annabelle Whitestone woke one Christmas morning in 1982 to find the press encamped on her doorstep and lawyers converging in hope of an estate war.

为应对预期中的蓬勃发展,国内手机游戏产业链中的各方都摩拳擦掌,意欲抢占先机。Each player in the entire supply chain of China's mobile game industry is trying to get a first mover advantage in anticipation of a surge in growth.