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它是所有佛经之中最好的。It is the best of all sutras.

因此,在这部佛经之中,我说偈子道。So, in this sutra , I say in agatha.

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这同样适用于持守佛经。The same applies to upholding the sutras.

家家有本难念的佛经!Every family has a sutra that hard to read!

大乘涅磐佛经发现了涅磐。Mahayana Nirvana sutra find out about Nirvana.

佛经里千头万绪,法多的叫人记不清、背不完。There are countless dharmas in many Buddhism sutras.

就是在那种贝叶棕的叶子上刻写的佛经啊。They are the Buddhist scriptures carved in palm leaves.

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西夏文佛经是从汉语翻译来的。Tangut version of the Sutra was translated from Chinese.

祂是佛经里说的“我”,而肉身是佛经里说的“无我”。The Qi is 'ego' in sutra and the flesh body is 'non-ego'.

它源于一部古老的佛经,叫作慈经。It's from an ancient Buddhist text, called the Metta Sutra.

佛经文献训诂中并不仅有词义训释的问题。Vocabulary is not the only problem in Buddhist sutra exegesis.

化异类以复仇,来自佛经故事的基本艺术机杼。This source comes from the artistic technique of Sutra stories.

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他们分部在佛经的在第二章,第三和第四章。They are scattered over the chapters II, III and IV of the Sutta.

如果他们都学会了,你就给他们翻译佛经。If they all learned, you gave them the translation Buddhist sutra.

玄奘为佛经的翻译做出了巨大的贡献。Xuan Zang did a great job in the translation of the Buddhist sutras.

我实在不记得,在佛经里是否有世尊叫人绝学这回事。I don't remember Buddha has ever asked people to abandon study in sutra.

一生与僧人交往频繁,佛经涉猎甚为广博。H had wide contact with the Buddist monks and extensive Buddhism thoughts.

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洞见无法在佛经、释论、讲解或任何主义中获得。Insight can’t be found in sutras, commentaries, verbal expression, or —isms.

近两千年的译经历史中,佛经的汉译对中土的语言产生了巨大的影响。The history of thousand years brought to huge influence on our native language.

佛经中,它被视为神鸟,佛曾化身为鹦鹉。Besides, they are regarded as divine birds and as the ever incarnation of Buddha.