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如果你挨打的时候并不闪躲。If you're hit, you don't flinch.

闪躲是对挨打所做的准备。Flinching is preparation for being hit.

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孩子会把挨打和攻击联系在一起。A child will relate spanking to hitting.

挨打的狗爬到主人的脚边去。The beaten dog crawled to his masters feet.

落后就要挨打,财大才能气粗。Behind will be beaten, finance major can be rude.

贫穷落后,就要被动挨打。Poverty and backwardness, it is necessary defensive.

晚上警察会进来,不管成年还是孩子都会挨打。The police come at night and beat adults and children.

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他们发现自己处于被动挨打的局面。They found themselves in a passive position under attack.

他妈妈正在挨打,而他却不能保护妈妈。His mother was being attacked and he couldn't protect her.

更糟糕的是,诺基亚在应用的手机处理器方面也已经处于落后挨打的境地。Specifically, Nokia has fallen behind in mobile processors.

如果你还不停止捣乱的话,你的屁股就该挨打了。If you don't stop disturbing,your buttocks would be spanked.

一南唐后主,肉担降宋,过着如同囚犯的日子,屈辱挨打。Nantang, meat and descending song, live like prisoners day, humiliation.

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你必须得学会如何承受挨打,然后继续爬起来做你想做的事情。You learn how to take a beating, then get up and do what you need to do.

我停下车,跑向那个挨打的女人,但我的向导把我拉了回来。I stopped and ran toward the stricken woman, but my guide pulled me back.

挨打的老婆血流如注,好几颗牙都被打掉了。The wife was bleeding profusely and several of her teeth had been knocked out.

我们被告知不能下车去救援伤员,因为我们和司机都有可能挨打。We cannot get off to help as we are told we are likely to beat our driver and us.

我奇怪我的记忆里竟然没有一次挨打的情景。My oddness my memory in unexpectedly have no once the scene for suffering beating.

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如果有事甭客气,小时候你帮我打架挨打的事儿这会儿我还没忘呢。If they don't stand on ceremony, when you help me beaten thing I haven't forgotten.

工人们经常挨打挨饿,被迫在监牢般的环境中生活。The workers were frequently beaten and were forced to live in prison-like conditions.

像他这种人总是在达力打人的时候,把挨打人的双手反剪在背后,牢牢抓住。He was usually the one who held people's arms behind their backs while Dudley hit them.