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这是我们的辞别吗?。Is this our farewell?

本周一山口疆辞别了人世,享年93岁。Yamaguchi died Monday at the age of 93.

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他辞别了妻子便启程了。He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.

江恩非常仔细的在辞别信上写上了凌晨3点钟。Gann was careful to write 3 a. m. on the farewell note.

我们停留了一会儿,然后她们就辞别离去了。We paused for a moment, and then the women said goodbye.

杨广前往扬州封地,辞别母后独孤皇后。YangGuang to yangzhou fief, farewell queen mother queen dugu.

有些人更喜欢在教堂里辞别旧的一年。Some people prefer to see the old year out at a church service.

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他们没有同任何人辞别,就匆匆离开了学校。They left the school in a hurry, without saying goodbye to anyone.

他既辞别了他们,就往山上去祷告。And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray.

这首歌唱出了主人公临终前对亲朋好友的辞别之情。The song is a dying protagonist's farewell to relatives and friends.

关心辞别沃威、姜窦和白羽,一人去探望梅映佳。Taking care WoWei, ginger sinus and BaiYu, a people to visit MeiYingJia.

下午1点,我辞别西内德和帕特里克,离开了斯莱戈花园酒店。At 1 p. m. I said farewell to Siné ad and Patrick and left Sligo Park Hotel.

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微微笑,向夕阳挥手,向晚霞辞别!然后,带着美好的希望入睡!Smiles, the setting sun, waving to sunset farewell! Then, with good hope to sleep!

与此同时,远在日本的许飞与女友惠子辞别准备重回上海。Meanwhile, Japan's xu fei have with girlfriend keiko farewell prepares to return to Shanghai.

上课的铃声响了,道向农辞别,但却走错了去教室的方向。Class the bell rang, way to the agricultural farewell, but walk wrong to go to the classroom direction.

丁原去非洲前来和向南辞别,很是伤感,再次劝向南和西风复合。Farewell, rioux come to Africa and south is very sad, advised to the south and west wind composite again.

在临行辞别的时候,元帝才首次见到昭君的美貌。The Emperor consented to send Zhaojun. While bidding farewell. the Emperor saw Zhaojun for the first time.

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他们众人同妻子儿女,送我们到城外,我们都跪在岸上祷告,彼此辞别。All the disciples and their wives and children accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.

我的世界公民作了个夸张的辞别,离开了我,因为他越过闲谈、过烟雾看见某个熟悉的人。My cosmopolite made a large adieu and left me, for he thought he saw some one through the chatter and smoke whom he knew.

但因我没有遇到我的弟兄弟铎,我的心神得不到安宁,遂辞别他们,到马其顿去了。However I could not be at peace because I did not find my brother Titus there, so I took leave of them and went to Macedonia.