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他们平整土地5000亩。They levelled 5000 mu of land.

将海苔片铺放在平整的桌面。Place the nori on a flat surface.

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床沿是否平整地放好。Bed throw must be centered and smooth.

腕部应保持笔直和平整。Wrists should be kept straight and flat.

这条公路坚实平整。This is a smooth, strongly built highway.

主室的地面要挖平整。The main chamber should be level and flat.

我们忙于平整土地,准备播种。We are busy preparing the land for sowing.

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漆膜要硬,平整,脏污一冲就掉。Film to a hard, flat, dirt on a washed out.

我在这点弄平整个的形象。I flattened the entire image at this point.

重新翻造过的路面,宽阔平整。The renovated road surface is wide and flat.

农民们正在平整土地。The peasants are preparing the soil for seed.

注气器要放置地面要平整,环境要干燥。Place the insufflator on a flat and dry surface.

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我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。We need a mechanical digger to level the ground.

一定要保证基座的平整。You'll have to make sure that the base is level.

在呼呼作响的黑暗世界,起伏着不平整的呼吸。Roaming around whirly world rough breath in dark.

所有不平整的边应该叠在下面。All the ends that are not smooth should lap under.

贴著墙面的部分还算平整,自己看了突然觉得骄傲起来!When I looked at it, I felt quite proud of myself!

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我们需要把这树篱不平整的边缘剪掉。We need to trim away the rough edges on that hedge.

礼宾府前面是一片平整的草坪,后面还有个花园。Government House has a front lawn and a back garden.

三层的玻璃立面平整地嵌入木框架。The triple-glazed facade is trimmed in wood framing.