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有什么保障吗?Are there any guarantees?

耶稣,鳏寡的保障。Jesus, Guardian of my infancy!

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保障危险区的安全并报告。Secure danger area and report.

最后,于安全保障中实践一切。And above all, practice safe sex.

安全的保障,小白脸,马上扔了!Insurance, white boy. Now dump it!

没有保障永远都不够。No reassurance will ever be enough.

保障系统安全是很困难的。Keeping a system secure is difficult.

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登记手续,并到劳动保障行政部门办理变更备案手续。Labour and Social Security department.

上主,你是我生命的保障。Lord, you are the upholder of my life.

测试丹麦的“灵活保障”制度Testing Denmark's 'Flexicurity' System

尊重和保障人权。It respects and safeguards human rights.

他以社会保障为例。One example he gives is social security.

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他们将以法律保障何种权利?What rights would they guarantee in law?

但樊胜根说,未来数年的库存却并没有保障。But that is no guarantee for coming years.

民主制度保障言论自由、闻自由和结社自由。The flag stands for freedom and democracy.

法律保障他们享受自己的权利。Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.

我们没有全民医疗保障体系。We don't have a national healthcare system.

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一一团结互助是保障。Unity and mutual assistance is the guarantee.

课堂秩序是教学的基本保障。Classroom order is basic assuring of teaching.

第三,树立新安全观是保障。Third, a new security concept is the guarantee.