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那个小偷逃亡了。The thief bolted out.

又或者短暂的逃亡才能达到目的?Or will short getaways do the trick?

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但是罗萨拒绝了并逃亡到汉堡。But he refused and fled west to Hamburg.

哈里在食物缺乏时逃亡了。Harry deserted during the food shortage.

但是他们的逃亡之路已经被拆除。But their hideaways have been demolished.

在伊拉克,基督徒大量逃亡。In Iraq, Christians are fleeing in droves.

穿越变成了逃亡公主有木有?Through into the wood have fled the princess?

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紫薇在逃亡中,头部受创而失明。Crape myrtle in exile, head injury and blindness.

遭索马里海盗劫持的美国船长跳海逃亡失败。US hostage fails in escape bid from Somali pirates.

每个人生来都是臣王,但小少数在逃亡外死去。Everyone is born king, and most people die in exile.

想一想“大逃亡”吧,奇怪的是,我就是在逃亡。Think ‘Great Escape’ which, oddly, is just what I did.

在瑞典的露天伏击之后,杰克逃亡到了意大利。Jack escapes to Italy after the opening ambush in Sweden.

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我们的七岁儿童不会听到枪声,也不必逃亡。Our seven-year-olds do not hear guns and do not have to run.

你再也不会只有一具要死不活的躯壳,徒增你逃亡的困难。You will no longer have a half-dead body to make escape harder.

很多居民逃亡到韩国的仁川港。Many residents were fleeing to the South Korean port of Incheon.

她们的社区无力保护她们,因此她们只好逃亡。Their communities are powerless to protect them and so they flee.

在逃亡的过程中,他大肆地抢钱。On his way to flight, he plundered money and values without restraint.

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其他的则继续逃亡并在爱琴海的岛屿定居Others had to keep going and settled on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

另外一些人则继续逃亡,最后在爱琴海的群岛中定居下来。Others had to keep going and settled on the islands of the Aegean Sea.

克莱勃斯将军和布格道夫将军没有参加集体逃亡。Generals Krebs and Burgdorf did not join in the mass attempt to escape.