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随放木耳,青椒丝和胡萝卜丝大火翻炒。Add in black fungus,bell pepper and carrots.

用猪里脊肉片加木耳等炸、炒而成。It's thinly sliced meats fried with various sauces.

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他嫌木耳偷得少,又向主人要木耳。He disrelishs agaric poach little, want agaric to host again.

地木耳能作为水体污染监测植物。Nostoc Commune could be used as a kind of plant in monitoring water pollution.

把一张太师椅放在阴晦湿润的场所,期望它全身长出小木耳。Put a fauteuil in some dark wet place, let it be covered by the agaric slowly.

有人是用土豆滴,可是我感觉土豆炖出来的没木耳的汤清亮。Some people are potato, but I feel the potatoes out of the fungus Tang Qingliang.

木耳用清水泡好后切成丝。姜蒜和泡辣椒剁成末。Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chilli.

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实验证明藻类植物地木耳可在大棚中生存。The experiment proves the nostoc commune of algae can survive among the large canopy.

蔬菜中的木耳、菠菜等也含有很多的铁,可以给孩子吃点。Auricularia vegetables, spinach also contains a lot of iron, can give your baby to eat.

西红柿炒鸡蛋、木耳拌芹菜、清炒油麦菜、米饭半碗。Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, black fungus mixed with celery, fried lettuce, rice bowl.

食用木耳用清水泡好后切成丝。姜蒜以及泡辣椒剁成末。Soak the black fungus and shred thellonly. Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chellolli.

汤味鲜美,莲子和木耳柔软可口,是一种味觉的享受。The soup is delicious, lotus seeds and edible fungus soft and delicious, is a kind of taste.

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要多吃黑色食物,如黑芝麻、黑米、紫菜、木耳等。Want to eat black foods, such as black sesame, black rice, seaweed, edible fungus and so on.

目的研究脉康合剂中木耳多糖的含量测定方法。To study the effect of Auricularia polysaccharide on reducing blood lipid in this experiment.

女人知道木耳可以清肺,粉尘飞扬中的男人需要一盘木耳炒蛋。Women know that the fungus can Qingfei, blowing dust in the men need a fungus scrambled eggs.

木耳是一种珍贵的特产食用菌,因其形态奇妙,风味特别,别名很多。Fungus is a rare edible fungus products, which form a wonderful flavor in particular, many aliases.

将水煲滚,放入瘦肉及木耳煲15分钟,再加红萝卜煲15分钟,加盐调味即可。Cook lean pork and wood ear in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add carrot and cook 15 minutes. Add salt.

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提出了木耳原生质体释放和再生的有效方法。An effective method of protoplast liberation and protoplast reversion of Auricularia auricula was put forward.

红色的蕃茄、绿色的波菜、白色的米饭、黑色的木耳以及黄色的甜椒等等。For example, tomato is red, spinach is green, rice is white, agaric are black and sweet pepper is yellow and so on.

以玉米芯为主要原料,对引进的6个木耳品种进行了比较试验。The comparison test of 6 introduced edible fungus varieties was conducted by using corncob as the main raw material.