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他现在一门心思想找一份好工作。All he ever thinks about is to get a good job.

一门心思搜罗便宜货的人必须有耐心A truly dedicated bargain-hunter must have patience

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是的,我知道。他一门心思想当一个高级律师。Yeah, I know that. He has had made his heart set on becoming a senior lawyer.

你必须一心一意,一门心思地朝你所决定的事情前进。You must be single-minded. Drive for the one thing on which you have decided.

我一门心思要改变我的位置,噢,好了,终于摆脱了湿湿。All I wanted to do was change my position. Oh yeah, and get out of my wet nappy.

我一门心思要改变我的位置,噢,好了,终于摆脱了湿湿的尿布。All I wanted to do was change my position. Oh yeah, and get out of my wet nappy.

我忙着购物,然后一门心思都扑到感恩节大餐上。I busied myself with shopping, then turned my attention to our Thanksgiving table.

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他们看到,具有重商主义倾向的中国正在一门心思地抢占世界石油供应。They see a mercantilist China single-mindedly moving to preempt world oil supplies.

他总是一门心思地打理自己的胡萝卜园,以及收拾房间。He's obsessed with how the carrots are arranged and with keeping his house in order.

往往在那时,人一冷就是什么都不想干,一门心思地缩在家里。Often at that time, people is what all don't want to do a cold, intent on shrinkage at home.

尽管他已经一门心思都放在了她的身上,但她还没有决定选择他,至少潜意识中还没有这样。Though he already had his heart set on her, she hadn't chose him yet, at least no consciously.

有时我们一门心思全花在别人身上反而忘记了自己。We can sometimes put so much time and energy into other people that we forget about ourselves.

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我一门心思想的全都是接力赛,意忘了还有个人赛这回事。I had concentrated so hard on the relay place I hadn't even thought about the individual events.

他一门心思地想着这个问题,想到她既没来和他见面,也没写信给他,使他心中痛楚遽增。His pain at her failure to meet or write him rapidly increased as he devoted himself to this subject.

为什么我们非要一门心思的把旅行或我们的生活变成一条条可实现的清单式的目标呢?Why must we be so obsessed with turning travel—and our lives—into checklists of things to accomplish?

不幸的是那股邪恶的激情一直纠缠着我,我一门心思想找一个折磨这个可怜的女人的方法。But, alas, I was ruled by sour resentments, and thought only of finding a way of tormenting the poor creature.

他的父亲是一个工作狂,与人合伙经营一家家具店,父亲一门心思扑在工作上,没有时间照顾孩子。And his father was a workaholic who sacrificed child-rearing to work at a furniture store he owned with a partner.

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但如果有人只是一门心思地想在中国寻找西敏寺和国会山的影子,自然只能大失所望。But if people are merely looking for a shadow Westminster or Capitol Hill in China, they are naturally disappointed.

试想,如果我以前稍微学一下盲人一门心思走路的精神,又何至落得今日这般潦倒呢?Just think, if I had to walk a little obsessed with learning about the spirit of the blind, how to come down and do so today?

这些一门心思想着如何变瘦的女生正在进行一场激烈的角逐,看谁吃的东西最少。Between these thin-obsessed co-workers, it becomes almost a competitive sport to see who can consume the least amount of food.