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海狮的数量没有恢复。Sea lion numbers have not recovered.

那里没有那么多的加利福尼亚海狮。Not so many California sea lions down there.

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我们看了海豚、海牛、海狮和鲸的表演。We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows.

飞溅的乐趣在与夏慕和西摩的海狮!Splash in on the fun with Shamu and Seymour the sea lion!

主要以各种右舵厢式车型车辆为主,包括海狮系列等。Mainly are vehicle of RHD type, such as HIACE series, etc.

因为被鱼网缠住而丧命的海狮数量明显增加。The number of net entanglements has dramatically increased.

它们以海狮,海豹,小型齿鲸为食。They prey mainly on sea lions, seals, and small toothed whales

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坏消息是,这头海狮然后用鼻子顶着炸弹,最后抛回给训练师。He then balanced the bomb on his nose, threw it back at the trainer.

加州纽波特港摄像头拍摄到一只狡猾的海狮偷偷劫持了警用船只。The camera caught a sea lion slimed into and hijacked a policy sail.

因此,我们看到澳大利亚海狮的颈部常常带有刺网留下的痕迹。So we see Australian sea lions with the gill nets around their necks.

本文围绕金杯海狮SY—6480系列面包车的空调系统进行匹配研究。The research on the air conditioning matching of HAISHI SY-6480 microbus.

特别是海狮、秃鹰和濒临灭绝的加利福尼亚的褐色塘鹅。Especially the sea lions bald eagle and endangered California brown gannet.

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有可爱的海豚,海狮,特别的鸟类,杂技表演,等等。There are lovelydelphis, sealions, special birds, acrobatic show, and so on.

这阻止不了一只海狮和学校孩子们一起进行徒步行走募捐活动。But that didn't stop a sea lion from joining schoolchildren on a walk-a-thon.

在海洋剧场中,游客可以看到训练有素的海豚、海狮于巨型水池中的精彩表演。Gets down from the sea park's outdoor elevator, may arrive located at the Mt.

有可爱的海豚,海狮,特别的鸟类,杂技表演,等等。There are lovely delphis, sealions, special birds, acrobatic show, and so on.

在加利福尼亚中心一条运河旁的路边上出现了一只海狮。A sea lion was spotted this week along a rural roadside in central California.

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德国柏林动物园新出生的加利福利亚小海狮取名为德哥。The newest newborn at the Berlin Zoo, this California sea lion cub named Diego.

他们表示下一次Westie必须在被拴住的情况下迎接它的海狮玩伴了。Next time, they said, Westie would have to greet his sea lion playpal from a leash!

美国海军本周宣布,他们开始用海狮来打击恐怖活动。The U. S. Navy announced this week they are now using sea lions to fight terrorism.