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物价猛涨。Prices skyrocketed.

通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。The prices are going up.

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物价骤跌。The prices drop sharply.

物价飞涨,有如脱缰之马。Prices were running wild.

他们为什么提高物价?Why did they raise prices?

我希望物价能降下来。I wish prices would come down.

物价会在一夕之间走低.Prices would go down overnight.

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物价始终保持稳定。Prices remain stable throughout.

这里的物价是什么水平?What about the price range here?

那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。Prices there are incredibly high.

物价在进一步上涨。The prices are shooting up further.

关于冒险岛物价问题!Adventure Island on the price issue!

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政府正在尽一切办法把物价压下来。The every means to hold prices down.

对于物价,我们不敢掉以轻心。We must not take this issue lightly.

物价上涨会引起通货膨胀。Rising prices will kick up inflation.

物价的趋向是仍在上涨。The trend of prices is still upwards.

物价预期会达到新高峰。Prices are expected to hit a new high.

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食物缺少促使物价飞腾。The scarcity of food forced prices up.

物价与工作非常不协调。Prices and wages were badly out of line.

通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on.