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炮仗砰地一声点响了。The firecracker went Off with a bang.

过年的炮仗元宵的灯喜庆余韵又欢腾。New Year fireworks lamp yuanxiao festival finish and exultation.

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每次父亲制作炮仗的时候都要提前看一下那本书。Every time his father make firecracker of time all want to see the book in advance.

河面上群龙竞渡,水花四起,炮仗烟雾迷漫,十分壮观。Many dragon boat in river boat races, water everywhere, firecracker smoke hazy, very spectacular.

大部分白羊座的人脾气很差,不过ta是炮仗颈,很快没有事,不会放在心上。Most Aries people are very bad temper, but TA is fireworks neck, soon nothing, not in your heart.

传说,要想发大财者,炮仗要响到最后才算心诚。Legend, want a prosperous person, the firecracker went off to ring until finally the numerical XinCheng.

春节早晨,开门大吉,先放爆竹,叫做“开门炮仗”。The Spring Festival in the morning, open the door plug and firecrackers, called the "first opened the firecracker went off."

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因此,人们通常在每年正月初五的凌晨就打开房门,放响炮仗,祈求全年财运兴旺,迎接财神的到来。Therefore, people usually open doors and set off firecrackers to welcome the Chinese god of prosperity on the early morning.

揪炮仗子的技术熟练者一分钟能揪100个,大小粗细都一样,最后加入菠菜等即成。Clutches firecracker's technical expert one minute to be able to clutch 100 thickly, the size thin is the same, finally joins the spinach and so on namely to become.

松龄在郊外耍乐时巧遇心如,被她使计迷晕,醒来后发现自己被心如以炮仗绑起。Loose in the country music play when age encountered heart such as, was she make plan fan dizzy, wake up to find that his heart like to be tied up the firecracker went off.

尹三带着唐凯、炮仗刘来到鬼子的军火库一侧,偷偷观察那里的地形及鬼子的巡逻安排,商量炸军火库的对策。With Yin San Tang Kai, Pau Liu came to Arsenal side of the devil, secretly observe the terrain there and Japanese patrol arrangements, to discuss countermeasures Arsenal fried.

据报道该作案男子推着装有三个含有汽油的巨大油桶和许多炮仗的购物车到了TIO门里面,然后他离开了购物车,该车随即发生了爆炸。The man reportedly pushed the trolley, which contained three large cans of petrol and a large number of firecrackers, inside the door of the TIO where there were customers and staff.