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你能帮我告诉巴特,我在等他一起去雪树银花舞会吗?Could you tell Bart that I'm waiting for him to go to the snowflake ball?

目的研究泸州地区产山银花挥发油的化学成分。Objective To identify the compositions of volatile oil from Luzhou Flos Lonicerae.

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棉花是朝阳的特产之一,素有“塞外银花”之称。Cotton is one of the Chaoyang specialty known as "Beyond the Great Yin-hua, " said.

本发明公开了一种三倍体山银花及其培育方法。The invention discloses triploid lonicera confusa and a cultivation method thereof.

你能帮我告诉巴特,我在等他一起去雪树银花舞会吗?他在开会吗?。Could you tell Bart That I'm waiting for him to go to the snowflake ball?Well. A meeting?

有人望着金花和银花俩姐妹,灵机一动说“干脆就叫金银花吧!At the moment, someone look at the two sisters, golden flower and honeysuckle flower, and have a brainwave.

我们望着天空中洒下的滴滴金雨,水面上开的朵朵银花,五颜六色,我们眼花缭乱、目不暇接。We looked at the sky in the Roman shed rain water on the open-stemmed Yinhua, colorful, our dazzling, dizzying.

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除这两种主药外,再配以生地、蒲公英、银花等药效加强。In addition to the two main drugs, the Coupled with habitat, dandelion, Silver Flower, etc. to enhance efficacy.

我们县几乎家家种枸杞、银花,农民亲切称它们为“摇钱树”。Almost all the households in our county grow wolfberry and honeysuckle, which farmers warmly call “coin shedding trees.

不过人们在晾晒枸杞、银花时,为了使其色泽鲜艳,大都采用硫磺熏蒸。However, when locals dry wolfberry and honeysuckle, they mostly fumigate them with sulfur in order to make them look bright in color.

冬天茫茫白雪,大地冰封雪裹,远山松枝银花怒放,更具高洁。The pine branches on the remote mountains are like silver flowers in wild blossom, further eloquent of their noble and unsullied character.

随着这几年枸杞、银花价格步步攀升,种植规模还在不断扩大。With the incessant rise of the prices of wolfberry and honeysuckle in recent years, the area of cultivation has been continuously expanding.

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目的评价银花解毒颗粒治疗上呼吸道感染及流行性感冒风热证的疗效与安全性。Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of Yinhua Jiedu Granule in treating wind-heat syndrome of upper respiratory infection and influenza.

银花甘草液拭口,并内服少许黄连煎汁,以清脏腑之毒,防止胎毒遗患。Yinhua liquid licorice mouth swab, and oral administration of berberine Jianzhi little to clear the organs of the drug to prevent Taidu Aftermath.

山楂有破气散瘀之功,银花有清热解毒之功效。二味同用,适用于风寒感冒患者。Hawkthorn has lousy morale to come loose the result of Yu, silver-colored Hua Youqing heats up alexipharmic effect. 2 flavour are used together, apply to chill cold patient.

湖南银花科贸有限公司凭着良好的信用、优良的服务与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系、热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。With good credit, the fine service with many enterprises to establish a long-term cooperative relationship, we warmly welcome all friends come to visit, investigate and negotiate business.