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他的强项在于他的坚忍。His strength lies in his perseverance.

那是我们政府的强项与强音。That is the forte and forte of our govement.

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你应该知道你的强项和弱点是什么。You should know what your strengths and weaknesses are.

德国碉堡上的强项WN72位于88毫米枪。German pillbox for 88mm gun located on strong point WN72.

在罗旭德看来,这反映了西门子真正的强项。For Mr L?scher, this reflects the real strength of Siemens.

我以为时光治理是我的强项之一。I accede time administration to be one of my key backbones.

罗德岛州的强项是纺织业。Rhode Island was especially strong in textile manufacturing.

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每种描述方法都有不同的强项和弱点。Each method of depiction has different strengths and weaknesses.

作为管理者,你的交流强项以及弱项各是什么?What are your communication strengths and weaknesses as a manager?

假如在篮球场上,你没有得分的强项,那还可以凭什么扬名立万呢?How do you make a name for yourself without scoring the basketball?

美术是我的强项,而且我特别喜欢画漫画。Art was a subject I excelled in, and I really like drawing caricatures.

当你克服了你的弱点,就可以将它们列入强项里。When you overcome your weakness, you can list it on your strength list.

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有时候,我和妈妈还下五子棋,这可是我的强项了。Sometimes, my mother and I have even Gobang, that was my strong suit of the.

面向对象型系统软件故障查询是本组的强项。Object-oriented systems software troubleshooting is the strength of our team.

乒乓球是中国的夺金强项,众多强手一定很精彩!The table tennis match one of China's most favorable gamea will begin tomorrow.

在揭露了这一个强项后,苏姗的“天赋之谜拼图”终于拼接成功。Uncovering this strength, the pieces of Susan's puzzle finally locked together.

据惠特马什所说,科瓦莱宁的强项是排位赛。According to Whitmarsh, one of Kovalainen's strengths is his qualifying ability.

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常有人问,周易卜卦能预测甚麽?它的强项在那里?其实易卜的预测范围是非常广泛的。People often ask, what can be divined by "Book of Changes"? what is Its strength?

你的论点不够详细有力,表达不到负片的强项。I'm not saying negatives are better. They have different strengths and weaknesses.

考虑这三个角逐者,你会发现它们每个都发挥着自己的强项。So looking at these three players, you see each of them playing to their strengths.