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现在,我终于惊慌失措了Now, I'm really panicking.

他对这次事故感到惊慌失措。He panicked over this accident.

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莫瑞在留言中没有表明自己的身份,他惊慌失措地说,马上给我打电话,请马上给我打电话,谢谢。Please call me right away. Thank you.

他一看到观众就变得惊慌失措。He panicked at the sight of the audience.

人们惊慌失措地奔向避难所。People, panicking, were running for shelter.

不过,就在这个夏季,我们不再惊慌失措。But this is the summer, we stopped panicking.

无论发生什么事,我们都不要惊慌失措。No matter what happens, we donn't lose our head!

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晚间9点35分,惊慌失措的顾客们被困在酒店中。By 9.35pm guests there were trapped and in panic.

被逼急的助理看到这种情形,显得惊慌失措。His harried assistant witnesses the scene with dismay.

我们发出警告之后,他们便惊慌失措地扯起了白旗。They hurry-scurry hitched a white flag after we warned.

因为她似乎被闷着了,你甚至可能惊慌失措。You may even be panic-stricken because she looks bored.

如果你在一条陌生的狗面前惊慌失措的话,它将会跟着你。When you panic before a strange dog it will back at you.

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布什极少惊慌失措而犯错,他的民意支持率也扶摇直上。He rarely blundered and his popularity in the state soared.

此外,变速的时候,并不会发出令人惊慌失措的喀喇声响。There were no alarming clunks as the gears shifted, either.

马儿惊慌失措,弓起背把莉莎特摔了下来,回头奔向森林。He bucked Lizette off and ran headlong back into the forest.

他发现自己遗失文件而惊慌失措。He was disconcerted to discover that he had lost the papers.

那条狗在教会横冲直撞,大家一时惊慌失措。The dog ran through the church and caused quite a commotion.

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数千人惊慌失措的居人睡在大街上。Thousands of panick-stricken residents slept on the streets.

如有大难临头,很多人会惊慌失措。Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike.

他惊慌失措,安德先记下这点留待以后。He panics . Ender stored the information away for future reference.