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他动不动就耍脾气。His temper is easily ruffled.

不要害怕孩子的眼泪和耍脾气。Don't be afraid of your child's tears or anger.

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他在外头耍脾气,真令我难为情。It's really embarrassing when he acts up in public.

今天和老板打交道的时候,小心点,别耍脾气。Be careful not to show your temper when dealing with the boss.

有时候当妳的小猫咪,有时耍脾气。When sometimes your small kitty, sometimes plays the temperament.

耍脾气是用过行为间接地表达情绪。Acting out is indirectly expressing feelings and emotions through behavior.

其实只要大人能冷静面对,孩子耍脾气是很容易平静的。As a matter of fact, if adults can keep calm, the kids will calm down easily.

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最常见的耍脾气是消极对抗。One of the most common forms of acting out behavior is by being passive aggressive.

耍脾气掩盖了实质问题,同时把焦点转移到了该行为本身。Acting out behavior masks the real problem and instead focuses the couple on the behavior itself.

耍脾气,是一种极端的挑衅行为,对于建立完善的关系,显得既无知又尴尬。Acting out behavior, as provocative as it can be, is really an unconscious and awkward attempt at establishing a relationship.

还有一个是视觉化的方法,用精神导师帕拉姆汉萨·尤迦南达的话来说,就是把对方看成一个耍脾气的5岁小孩。Another visualization, suggested by spiritual teacher Paramhansa Yogananda, is to see the anger-rousing agent as a 5 year old child.