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当贵族谋反时,国王便出兵打他们。When the nobles rebelled , the king battled them.

毛遂怒气冲冲地拿着宝剑,逼近楚王,终于迫使楚王答应出兵,与赵国联合共同抵抗秦国。At that, the ruler of Chu agreed to help Zhao, against Qin.

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2001年9/11恐怖袭击发生后几个星期美国便出兵阿富汗。U. S. forces invaded Afghanistan weeks after the 9-11 attacks in 2001.

袁绍出兵经长期围攻重新占据东郡大部。Yuan Shao dispatched troops to occupy most of Dongjun after a long time siege.

布朗一直以来也表示为内阁出兵伊拉克的决定承担责任。Brown has always accepted responsibility for the cabinet decision to invade Iraq.

1927年田中义一出兵山东,后召开东方会议。In 1927, Tanaka Giichi sent troops to Shandong, and then held the Eastern Conference.

英国目前是阿富汗任务的第二大出兵国。TheUK currently contributes the second largest number of troops to theAfghan mission.

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支持军事介入者常引用1994年卢旺达案例作为出兵理由。Advocates of intervention have been fond of invoking Rwanda in 1994 as a spur to action.

这一次,问题是中国是否会出兵与北朝鲜并肩战斗。This time the question was whether China would join the fighting on the North Korean side.

有一年,秦国出兵攻打赵国,并已经包围了都城邯郸。One year, the State of Qin sent troops to attack Zhao and surrounded the capital of Handan.

有时候,他们没有真的剑拔弩张,只摇动着剑,使发出兵刃之声来吓怕他人。Sometimes, without actually removing it from its holder, they rattle it to frighten people.

布莱尔坚持没有出兵作战计划,而这段文字却暗示了一个入侵计划的存在。The context suggests a game-plan for invasion, at a time when Blair maintains no such plan existed.

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美国领导的联军出兵伊拉克已经五年,但是伊拉克依然面临人口流散的严重问题。Five years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, the country continues to face a displacement crisis.

他们将我们的政府作为借口,因为我们出兵阿富汗,因为我们出兵中东。They use our government as an excuse because we're in Afghanistan, because we're in the Middle East.

杜鲁门总统在6月30日下令美国陆军出兵韩国,这也是他在任期内最艰难的决定。These were ordered to Korea on June 30th by the President, his most difficult decision while in office.

所以,最后,俄罗斯用了两个不同的观点来证明自己出兵是合法的。Ultimately, therefore, Russia has relied on two distinct arguments to justify its use of military force.

即使我们对出兵参战一事作出了艰难的决定,我们还必须认真考虑我们如何参加作战。Even as we make difficult decisions about going to war, we must also think clearly about how we fight it.

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格兰特马不停蹄,迅速出兵,阻南军于田纳西州河畔。Grant wasted no time. He quickly sent troops to fight the Confederate force blocking the Tennessee River.

巴黎民众翘首企盼,希望别的省份出兵相助,然而围困的僵局还是丝毫没有打破的迹象The people in Paris are awaiting some sort of military help from the provinces, but it simply goes on and on.

上海合作组织没有对俄罗斯出兵南奥塞梯的行为给予全力支持。The Shanghai Cooperation Organization has failed to give Russia full support for its actions in South Ossetia.