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我们必须首先对地球物理学进行深入研究。We must read up on geophysics first.

1944年傅承义成为中国首位地球物理学博士。In 1944, Fu Chengyi became China's first Ph. D.

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为适应地球物理学的需要,习惯上以27.0日为太阳自转周期。For geophysical purposes it is customary to use solar rotations of 27 . 0 day.

它致力于与大地测量学和地球物理学有关的所有领域的基础性研究。It is concerned with basic research on all fields related to geophysics and geodesy.

考古地球物理学是一门自然科学与社会科学交叉的边缘学科。Archaeogeophysics is a marginal discipline between natural science and social science.

并简单讨论了这类电磁响应问题在地球物理学中的可能应用。A few examples of geophysical interest in response problems of this kind are metioned also.

Gross博士1982年在科罗拉多大学获得地球物理学的博士学位。Dr. Gross received his Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1982.

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地磁埸的成因是地球物理学的重大理论难题之一。Formation cause of geomagnetic field is one of the important difficult problems of geophysics.

利用振动地下的结构的地球物理学测量方法,相似的空洞能被探测。With the geophysical measurement methods of seismics underground structures like cavities can be explored.

1957年,美国为国际地球物理学年会在此处建立了一个观测站,并且一直维持至今。The United States established an observatory there in 1957 for the I.G.Y. and has maintained it ever since.

目前我们一般用地球物理学、地质学和化学方法进行地震预测。Several specific geophysical, geological, and chemical methods are presently used for earthquake prediction.

1957年,美国为国际地球物理学年会在此处建立了一个观测站,并且一直维持至今。The United States established an observatory there in 1957 for the I.G.Y. and has maintained it ever since.

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本文综合讨论应用地球物理学中各种数据采集系统及其基本组成和特点。This paper sums up and discusses various data acquisition systems, their basal components and specificities.

马浩德在12月13日美国地球物理学联合会议落幕之时发表了这项研究报告。Mahowald presented the research at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco Dec. 13.

其中一门是针对中学生的地球物理学课程,该课程把海洋学内容纳入了教学大纲。One is a geophysics class for secondary school students that incorporates oceanography lessons into the syllabus.

对此我想进行进一步的研究,并与地震学和地球物理学的前辈们共同观察动物行为。I'd like to study it further and look atanimalbehaviour incombination with seismological and geophysical precursors.

课程有海洋地理学、地球物理学、沉积学、地震学、火山学以及其他。Subjects of study in this field include marine geology and geophysics, sedimentology, seismology, volcanology, and others.

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比如,如果你想找到和地质学、地球物理学和地理学相关的所有的主题时,你可以使用“geo*”。For example, when you want to find all the possible topics related to geology, geophysics, and geography, you can use “geo*.”

地震储层预测是油藏描述的主要工具之一,已成为储层地球物理学的核心内容。Seismic reservoir prediction is one of the main tools in reservoir description, and has become a core in reservoir geophysics.

FS是探测地下的像洞,燃料库的空洞,隧道或地下室窖的一个地球物理学的测定器具。FS- Reflexion is a geophysical measuring instrument to locate subterranean voids like caves, bunkers, tunnels or basement vaults.