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割双眼皮和倒睫的区别?。Cut double-fold eyelid medicable trichiasis.

像割双眼皮,年纪大了眼皮会耷下来的!Like a double-fold eyelids, with big eyes will be Da down!

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我有一张瘦削的脸,双眼皮,翘鼻子,我乌黑的头发又短又直,从未留过长发。My hair is black, short and straight. I have never worn my hair long.

丁医生称割双眼皮术和鼻子整形手术最为常见。He says the most common operations are for double eyelids and nose jobs.

我是马来西亚人,我看到很多马来人的确有天然的双眼皮。I'm a Malaysian, and I observe many Malays do have natural double eyelids.

等我意识到大眼睛双眼皮美人儿的时候,我已经18岁了。When I realized that the eyes and double-fold beauty, I have 18 years old.

去年陈亦飞为寻求自我突破而做了双眼皮手术。Chen made another breakthrough last year when he had a double-eyelid surgery.

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手术双眼皮为什么会愈合的如此完美变单了?What why can operation double-fold eyelid cicatrization is so perfect become odd?

可是双眼皮贴似乎很不合作,冰冰姐的眼睛似乎有点睁不开呢。Unfortunately, her eyelid sticks seem not so cooperated and bring her some problems.

公司要求我割双眼皮还要把嘴唇都动手术动得再大一点儿。Agency demanded I go for double eyelid, in addition go for operation to widen my lips.

小林选择了下巴植入手术和缩小鼻头的手术,除此之外还做了双眼皮。Lim opted for a chin implant and narrowing of her nose, in addition to double eyelids.

这个女人72年生的,以前是单眼皮,现在开成双眼皮了。The 72-year-old woman, used to be a single-edged eyelid, double-fold into the open now.

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温州哪里做埋线双眼皮效果好,价格又实惠啊?。Where Wen Zhou City does sunken cord double-fold eyelid effect well , price is substantial?

双眼皮手术在加州亚裔地区,是成长速度最快的整形手术。Eyelid surgery is the fastest-growing type of plastic surgery in the Californian Asian community.

我爱上一个一只眼睛是单眼皮另外一只眼睛是双眼皮的女孩。I have fallen in love with a girl who has single eyelid with one eye and double eyelid with the other.

就算原本的双眼皮都很可能因为松弛的眼皮被往下拉而变成单眼皮。Even if the original double-fold eyelid are likely to be for relaxation of eyelid is go down become folds.

就算原本的双眼皮都很可能因为松弛的眼皮被往下拉而变成单眼皮。Even if the original double-fold eyelid are likely to be for relaxation of eyelid is go down and become folds.

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他女儿最近做了双眼皮手术效果不错,杨大爷就鼓起勇气也来到医院。His daughter had successful double eyelid surgery recently and this encouraged Mr. Yang to go to the hospital.

对于具有薄单眼皮的年轻东方人,缝合式眼睑形成术是相当简易的双眼皮手术。One of the simplest way to create double fold in thin oriental eyelid for a young patient is the suture technique.

有人在苏州圣爱整形医院做过双眼皮手术么?效果好么?Does somebody perform go over double-fold eyelid operation in holy Suzhou love orthopedic hospital? Is effect good?