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他是节操高尚的人。He is a man of high principle.

松树是节操的象征。The pine is a badge of constancy.

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为中国军人的节操祷告。Pray for integrity in Chinas armed forces.

焚香纪念我们逝去的节操。Let's burn incense in the memory of our pure past.

这些行为显示出他是一个很有节操的人。These actions stamp him as a man of high principles.

梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。Mei is a symbol of distingue spirit and moral integrity.

我相信,没有节操,一个人是不可能有什么真正的价值的。I am sure no character can have true worth without principle.

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梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。Mei is a symbol of distinguishing spirit and moral integrity.

我们的企业领导人毫无爱国节操,公然背叛美国。Our Corporate leaders are without patriotism and are open traitors to America.

卫斯莱是一个有节操的人,并且除了能做到的事情外从来不承诺。John Wesley was a man of principle and he never made his promise but put into practice of it.

如果你不想要存在于政府中更多的腐败,那就把精力放在那些带着智慧与节操的领导人身上。If you don't want more corruption in governments, focus on leaders with wisdom and moral integrity.

◎出家人要有高尚的节操、远大的志向和永不退转的菩提愿。Monastics are supposed to bear noble moral integrity, long-range ambition and rekindled Bodhi mind.

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吴隐之到广州上任途中,有意饮用一处叫“贪泉”的水,以激励自己绝不改变节操。On his way to Guangzhou to take office , he intentionally drank the water from Greedy Fountain to warn himself not to change his moral integrity.

国际名导张妓演绎各种版本杨过小龙女,从此节操是路人。International name guides piece of prostitute deduce all sorts of version poplar to cross small Long Nv, highing moral principle from now on is passerby.

竹茶炉在文人心目中,是高雅不俗,节操清苦的君子象征,因此明清以来,竹茶炉备受文人的喜爱。The bamboo tea stove in the writer mind, is the gentleman symbol of moral integrity, therefore since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the bamboo tea stove has enjoyed writer's affection.

只有秦朝灭亡的时候找不到一个殉节的君王和臣子,原因就在于秦国和秦朝长期推行法家文化,过分强调以利益规范人与人之间的关系,而忽视道德教化,尤其是节操教育。Laying stress on the moral education, culthe humanistic spirit of working hard, keeping good relation with the mass, making rational contribution, and possessing the life -long ideal, etc.

唐求是有理想重节操性耿介的诗人,他虽然隐居山野,四海流寓,穷苦困乏,却始终不向权贵折腰,拒绝王建的政治拉拢和名利诱惑。Tang Qiu had his dreams and wrote advocating moral integrity. Although a poor hermit in remote areas without a house, he never submitted to the power, neither was he lured by fame and gain.

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对西安市柔道队男子运动员在经过8周健身关节操锻炼后柔韧、体脂指标的变化进行了研究。This study is about the change of indexes of flexibility and level of body fat for the athletes in Xi'an Judo Team after they have been trained with body-building joint exercise for 8 weeks.