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接缝或生涩不会受损。Will not damage seams or welts.

我弹吉它时指法都很生涩。I am all thumbs when I play the guitar.

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周奔驰勉力支撑,咬牙坚持,习练更高难度的武功,当然更加生涩艰难,错误百出。Of course he struggled more and made more mistakes.

我在哪里可以看电影的生涩男孩网上免费全速?Where can I watch The Jerky Boys movie online free full stream?

板凳球员确实有激情,但是他们太生涩,不能胜任。Benches sure have lots of energy but they are too raw to compete.

这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.

他还年轻,还有些生涩,但我想他能在本赛季进10-15个球。He's still young and quite raw but he'll get us 10-15 goals I think.

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乐谱的难度颇高,学生弹得生涩僵滞、错误百出。The difficulty of high scores, students playing stagnation jerky made many mistakes.

图像的稳定缺乏真正体现在这里,事情可能会变得有些生涩。The lack of an image stabilizer really shows up here, and things can get a little jerky.

“你要自己出城门了,”他们用生涩的声音说道,“门卫经常在马车出去的搜查,看我们有没有私藏东西出去。”Often the gatekeeper searches wagons as they leave, to make sure we are not smuggling something out.

该书由四位作者写成,但通读全书,却让人觉得好像书中的一字一句都是四个人通过投票决定的,最终导致句意生涩。Written by four authors, the book reads as though all four authors voted on the words for each sentence.

张亚飞应该是第一次演电视剧吧,虽然表演有点生涩,但是已属不易。Zhang Yafei should be first time develops the soap opera, although performs a little jerkily , but already is not easy.

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有很多网站致力于编译一些按字母顺序的词单,包括不寻常的、奇怪的、过时的或者生涩的词。There are many online sites devoted to compiling alphabetical lists of unusual, weird, old-fashioned, and difficult words.

它知道那些香蕉可能还有些生涩,有点干硬-但是它自己是芳香多汁软软的。It knew that the others would've been bland, dry and stiff – but it knew that it was going to be fragrant, juicy and tender.

MS-DOS要求键入生涩难懂的指令,所以微软着手研发新的具有更为简易操作界面的操作系统。MS-DOS required you to type in arcane commands, so Microsoft set to work on making a new OS with a more accessible user interface.

周奔驰勉力支撑,咬牙坚持,习练更高难度的武功,当然更加生涩艰难,错误百出。Grudging his teeth Zhou continued to practise this set of difficult martial arts. Of course he struggled more and made more mistakes.

孩子们按照老师要求,动作生涩地一刀刀剪着,最后剪完打开一看,啊!In accordance with the teacher asked the kids, action, jerky manner knife knives, scissors, and finally de-flock to open one to see, ah!

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大声的读剧本.记下生涩或者在剧情中显的突兀的台词.重写这些台词,使它们更适合整部剧.把这些对白读给别人听听,询问他们这些对白是否和角色以及剧情相配.Rewrite these lines to fit better within the play. Read the dialogue to others and ask them if it fits the character and tone of the scene.

但是由于数学原理的生涩难懂,给各界人士理解并探讨期权理论设置了障碍。However, the mathematic principle is so abstruse that it may creat barriers for each attempting to understand and discuss the options theory.

在上一场比赛中他表现得颇为抢眼,抢去了不少大腕的风头,丝毫没有菜鸟的生涩。He displays quite in the previous competition outstanding, has snatched many jorum 's crest of wave, does not have new military recruits' jerkiness slightly.