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海洋研究人员到海底去探查。Aquanauts go to the floor of the sea.

他派出一名特工去鲍尔的家探查情况。He posts an agent to the Bauer house.

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他们的任务是在西部探查油矿。Their task is exploring oil mines in the west.

她试图探查我的心意,想知道我在想什么。She want to prob my hurt, want to know I think.

快速探查设备,为救援人员服务的引导系统Quick-Finders, a guidance system for rescue personnel

遂行剖腹探查及肿瘤切除。A laparotomy was performed and the tumor was resected.

但是,这往往局限于小的探查演练。But this is often limited to small probing manoeuvres.

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右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult.

运用各种暗示点对隐藏的事理逻辑线索进行探查。Using cues, clues and hints to detect the hidden relationships.

嗡嗡,咔嗒,嗡嗡,咔嗒——扫描探查一步步地深入。Whirr, click, whirr, click — step by step the scan probed deeper.

当今探查人脑的主要工具是用电的。Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.

远端侦错会增加能够探查的整体表面范围。Remote debugging increases the total surface area that can be probed.

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凡鼓室成形术,均应行鼓室探查。The tympanic exploration is necessary to be included in tympanoplasty.

结果经剖腹探查确诊8例,尸解确诊1例。Results There were 8 cases proved by laparotomy, and 1 case by autopsy.

文章第一个部分对造成赵孟頫误读的可能性进行探查。The fist part is about the research on probability of Zhao's misreading.

他将整个手探进切口里,直到没入手腕,用手指四处探查。He reached in up to his wrist, his fingers exploringthe margins of the wound.

除去侦查员外,极少有蜜蜂会去探查多个地点。It's a rare bee, except for the scouts, who has inspected more than one site.

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方法应用神经内镜探查、冲洗、摘除脑囊虫。Methods To watch, flush and remove the neurocysticercosis with neuroendoscopy.

一位三十三岁女性因为吐血及黑便而住院,病患曾因腹部穿刺伤在他院接受剖腹探查术。A 33-year-old woman was admitted due to hematemesis and passage of tarry stool.

如果订单数没有出现逐小时稳步增长,那么我们就需要进一步探查问题了。If the number is not steadily increasing hour over hour, we take a closer look.