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首先,没有一个放之四海而皆准的农业模式。First, there is no one size fits all model for agriculture.

我个人并不认为有一种放之四海而皆准的方案。I’m personally not a supporter of ‘one size fits all’ approach.

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我们在“头马”俱乐部培养的沟通技巧放之四海而皆准。The communication skills we develop in Toastmasters club apply universally.

世上并不存在一种用来处理相异国家之间的争端的放之四海而皆准的学说。There is no one-size-fits-all doctrine for dealing with disparate countries.

要开创自己的事业,没有放之四海而皆准的正确做法。There are no universal right answers when it comes to building our businesses.

事实上如果有人说有一个“放之四海而皆准“的解决办法,请不要相信他们。In fact if someone says there is a “one size fits all” solution, don't believe them.

世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展道路和发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路和发展模式。There is never a one-size-fits-all development path or an invariable mode in the world.

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解决这些影响是一个权衡问题,没有放之四海而皆准的单一解决方案。To address these influences is a matter of tradeoffs, with no single solution solving all problems.

马克思主义是“放之四海而皆准”的真理,是我们立党立国的根本指导思想,是我们的老祖宗。Marxism is "one size fits all" truth and our foundation founding of the fundamental guiding ideology and our ancestors.

我们渴求一个放之四海而皆准的法则来告诉自己何为正确何为错误,但这样的法则并不存在。We may yearn for a simple principle that tells us what is right or wrong in every case, but such principles do not exist.

科学要求其真理的组织和安排必须做到放之四海而皆准,从而使人能够窥一斑而览全豹。Science groups and arranges its truths so as to enable us to take in at one view as much as possible of the general order of the universe.

但是,从降低旷工率到增加生产力,当相信将精神信仰带入工作是可以放之四海而皆准时,那可真的担着风险呢。But while bringing spirituality to work is credited with everything from lower absenteeism to increasing productivity, it does carry risks.

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罗恩认为,很难有一个放之四海而皆准的商业模式,媒体公司更倾向于那些交易。“A one-size-fits-all business model is very difficult to pull off,” Mr. Ronen said. “Media companies are much more savvy now about those deals.

我们认为语言——不论什么原因——非常极端,并有“放之四海而皆准”的方法,就是把几百万的开发者拒之门外了。We think that languages – for whatever reasons – polarize a lot and with a ‘one size fits all’ approach you always lock out millions of developers.

“应该根据各国的实际情况和需要具体制定方法,一个“放之四海而皆准”的方法是无法推进问题的解决的”他说。"This has to be tailored to country needs based on their resources. A one-size-fits-all solution is not going to be the way tomoe forward, " he said.

这是放之四海而皆准的普遍真理,正好比在常温条件下,水有自高向下流一样,地球上各个国家,地区都是如此。This is a universally applicable truth, just more than at room temperature, the water is lifted up to the dirty, as all countries on earth, areas are true.

她指出,中国传统医学中,中草药的选用要根据不同病情因人而异,没有放之四海而皆准的处方。She pointed out that in traditional Chinese medicine, herbs are recommended based on individuals' unique situations, and not as a one-size-fits-all prescription.

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这些社会思想观念,放之四海而皆准,个人的想法得不到尊重,所以学生便无法认清原始创新可信赖的价值。Community ideas are the norm and there is no respect for individual ownership, so the students fail to see any value in crediting the source of the original idea.

数学法则,从古至今,放之四海而皆准,亘古不变。欧几里德、欧拉,以及其他数学家们,只不过是发现了这些规律,加以文字表述而已。Mathematical laws are universal and have remained unchanged since the beginning of time. Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there.

翻译标准是衡量译文质量优劣的一种尺度,古今中外关于翻译标准的论述异彩纷呈,但没有一个放之四海而皆准的标准。After comparing zero-translation with non-translation, untranslatability, domestication and foreignization, this article concludes that zero-translation is a new method of translation.