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那个站台只是一个梦而已。The station is only a dream.

取得此站台连结的传输类型。Gets the name of the site link.

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火车飞快地驶过站台。The train flew past the stations.

本次列车从3号站台发车。Our train departs from platform 3.

你要坐的那列火车在第五号站台。Your train is waiting at Platform 5.

请问,我该到哪个站台上车?Whcih platform do I want to , Please?

请问去4次列车应该去哪个站台?Which platform is for the No.4 train?

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普通列车是在这站台开的吗?Does the local leave from this platform?

这列火车从哪一个站台出发?From which platform does the train start?

请问,到伦敦桥该上几号站台?Which platform for London Bridge, please?

当那些站台靠近的时候跳过去。Jump on that platform when they are close.

记住,D路车,南线站台。Remember, the D train, the downtown platform.

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又在残旧的站台上走开了。Walk down the old platform to get on the train.

去艾平的火车在哪个站台?Which platform do I need for the Epping line train?

夏天,露天站台上有多辆电车。In summer there were streetcars with open platforms.

他沿站台猛跑,纵身跳上火车。He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.

站台1的纬度上有很大的差异。There is a large discrepancy in latitude at station1.

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该男子后来躺在位于站台前的一段铁轨上。He then lay down on the rails in front of the station.

取得或设定站台之间相互复写的模式。Gets or sets the data compression mode of the site link.

先生,83号火车从哪个站台出发?Oh, sir. Which platform does the train No. 83 leave from?