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海军潜水员,退下。Navy diver, stand down.

个潜水员说,他是新来旳。A Submariner said, He is new here.

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潜水员先深吸一口气。The diver first drew a deep breath.

船员们经常看不到水中的潜水员。Often boaters can’t see divers in the water.

一名潜水员发现了船只的残骸。The ship wrecks were rediscovered by a diver.

就象在大泽里一样,潜水员也能在下水道里失踪。As in the ocean, the diver may disappear there.

参与工程建设的潜水员们。Divers participated in the construction process.

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潜水员探索日本北海道的流冰群。A diver explores an ice canopy off Hokkaido, Japan.

我要求和有经验的潜水员搭档。I asked to get buddied up with an experienced diver.

潜水员潜入冰冷的海里数分钟。The diver immerged in the icy sea for several minutes.

潜水员潜到超过危险线的深水中去了?。The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger ?

巴哈马海域,一只远洋白鳍鲨和潜水员在游泳。An oceanic whitetip shark and diver swim in the Bahamas.

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戴着呼吸器的潜水员潜入水底,朝珊瑚礁游了过去。The scuba diver submerged and swarm toward a coral reef.

作为一名潜水员,他每天在水下工作好几个小时。As a diver,he worked several hours a day under the water.

潜水员常常炫耀与白鲸玩。Divers often play with white whales who seem to show off.

潜水员下潜到超过危险线的深水中去了。The diver went into the deep water beyond the danger limit.

直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.

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每天五名潜水员下潜到水下寻找船只的残骸。Five divers descended daily to look for teh remains of the ship.

海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.

在墨西哥阿卡普尔科海岸附近,潜水员救助了一只座头鲸。Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico.