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但是这位主人知道,密斯的克隆体不一定能有与它一样的脾气秉性。But he knows her clone may not have her temperament.

他将自己的气质秉性挥洒自如,如行云流水。He swims easily in the stream of his own temperament.

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实际上,它主张,培养人类的性格秉性It claims actually to shape the character of mankind.

一个有着粗鲁,粗俗秉性的人打断了他自己的腿,或者撕裂了自己的脖子。A man of coarse vulgar nature breaks his leg or his neck.

我认为她秉性自然,有着跟我类似的某种感知力。I think she is so natural and has a kind of sensibility similar to mine.

弄清楚你到底是谁,你的脾气秉性、喜好。Find out who you really are, what your temperaments, likes or dislikes are.

他非常温顺,我想也许正是这种秉性让他比其他兔子长得大。He is so gentle and I wonder if this has helped him grow bigger than the rest.

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虽然他是一位秉性温和的人,听了这个消息也极为气愤。An even-tempered man, he was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news.

你令她在贪婪的秉性与野蛮的生存所致的十字架上受难。You have crucified her on the cross of avaricious temperament and bestial living.

如果美国始终坚持这些秉性,我相信美国梦仍然会存在。If you keep all these things, build on them, I still believe in the American Dream.

司法机关行使执行权不仅不符合司法权的秉性,而且带来司法实践的混乱。The exercise of executive power by judicial organ does not conform to the judicial nature.

在我的一生中,我一贯认为我深深热爱这个国家已成为自身的秉性。Throughout my life, I have always taken my deep and abiding love for this country as a given.

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如果有人担心美国人会停止消费的话,那么这个人就不太懂美国人的秉性。If people are concerned Americans will stop spending, you do not understand the American psyche.

华盛顿一所幼儿园的辅导教师鼓励家长为自己找一位有特定秉性的导师。A guidance counselor at a Washington prep school urges parents to find a mentor of a certain disposition.

她是一个笃信宗教女人,对她没有听说过的人和事都持怀疑态度,这是她的秉性。She was a religious woman, with a tendency to be skeptical of people and events that she had not heard of.

在我看来,热衷参与始终是一名美国公民的重要秉性之一。Participating in activism had always been an important part of being a citizen of the United States for me.

如果父亲由着他的秉性滥施淫威,最终的结果未必对我们有好处。If our father carry authority with such dispositions as he bears, ths last surrender of his will but offend us.

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一定要表扬他们的能力,认识他们的长处,这样你对他们的期望才能符合他们的秉性。Be sure to praise their abilities and recognize their strengths so your expectations will fit their temperament.

既有秉性耿直、忠心为国的忠良之士,也有学识渊博、多才多艺的文化名人。Both putting form, loyal to the country's loyal and honest with, but also learned, versatile cultural celebrities.

或者,——也许更符合你的秉性——在有教养的世界的那些最聪明和最著名的人们中间去作一名学者和圣哲吧。Or- as is more thy nature- be a scholar and a sage among the wisest and the most renowned of the cultivated world.